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Vendredi, 29 Septembre, 2023
FREDERIQUE VIARD : DNA Chronicles of Marine Biological Introductions
Salle 23.01, Campus Triolet, Montpellier
Vendredi, 13 Septembre, 2024
Conférence Olivieri: Sex chromosomes and speciation
14:30 - Amphi 23.01 site Fac de sciences
thomas lenormand
Centre d'Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Evolutive - Montpellier
Link to seminar:
Food insecurity and obesity: Unpacking the paradox
11h30 Hybrid - online and Salle Louis Thaler, bat 22 UM
daniel nettle
Interplay between social fabric and vocal communication in non-human primates
11h30 Hybrid - online and Salle Louis Thaler, bat 22 UM
Florence Levero
Evidence for deceptive fertility in a wild primate
11h30 Hybrid - online and Salle Louis Thaler, bat 22 UM
Alice baniel
ISEM, Montpellier
Museomics using HyRAD-X exome target-capture and applications at different...
11h30 Hybrid - online and Salle Louis Thaler, bat 22 UM
Natural History Museum of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland
The expensive brain and brain size evolution
11h30 Hybrid - online and Salle Louis Thaler, bat 22 UM
carel van schaik
Max Planck Institute of Animal Behaviour, Konstanz, Germany
University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
Animal warning signals: a perspective from visual neurosciences
11h30 Hybrid - online and Salle Louis Thaler, bat 22 UM
Olivier penacchio
Seismic communication in courting Drosophila flies
11h30 Hybrid - online and Salle Louis Thaler, bat 22 UM