FREDERIQUE VIARD : DNA Chronicles of Marine Biological Introductions

Le comité d'organisation des Séminaires d’Écologie et d’Évolution de Montpellier a le plaisir d'annoncer que nous organiserons la première Conférence Isabelle Olivieri le 29 septembre après-midi. L'idée de ce nouvel évènement est d'introduire l’année des SEEM en accueillant un·e chercheur·e local·e, et d'offrir un événement social pour la communauté montpelliéraine avec un apéro après la conférence.
Cette année, nous aurons le plaisir d'écouter Frédérique Viard à propos des invasions marines et leurs conséquences évolutives, le 29 septembre à 15h en salle 23.01 sur le campus Triolet. La conférence sera suivie par un apéritif convivial offert par le Labex CeMEB qui aura lieu entre les batiments 22 et 23 à partir de 16h30.
Nous esperons vous y voir nombreux pour célébrer cette nouvelle année universitaire !
Le comité d’organisation des SEEM
29 septembre 2023 - 15h en Salle 23.01 Campus Triolet
Apéritif convivial à partir de 16h30 entre les batiments 22 et 23
DNA Chronicles of Marine Biological Introductions
Directeur de recherche CNRS, ISEM :
The development of coastal infrastructures, particularly ports, provides new habitats for a range of species, particularly sessile species specialized in rocky hard substrates. The species assemblages observed in ports are unique, and consist of a mixture of native and introduced species. Over the past two decades, DNA-based studies had been used to document the significant contribution of marine introduced species to harbor communities and to investigate the ecological and evolutionary processes at play. These processes include admixture due to high propagule pressure, mosaic structure of species occupying ports and species hybridization stemming from secondary contacts between native and non-native species. These examples show that marine invasions and coastal urbanization, which are both components of global change, have cumulative impacts resulting in new ecological interactions as well as the rise of new evolutionary lineages.
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The SEEM organizing committee is pleased to remind you all that we are organizing this year the first 'Isabelle Olivieri Conference' on September 29th afternoon.
The idea of this novel 'Isabelle Olivieri Conference' is to introduce the SEEM seminar series by hosting a local researcher, and to provide a social event for the Montpellier community with an 'apero' afterwards.
This year, we will have the pleasure to listen to Frédérique Viard about marine invasions and their evolutionary consequences on September 29th at 3pm in Salle 23.01 on the Triolet campus (poster and abstract below). The conference will be followed by drinks and snacks offered by the labex CeMEB just outside the room at 4:30pm.
PhD students and post-docs interested in speaking with Frédérique on September 29th morning can write to: or or
We hope to see you all to celebrate the start of the University year !
Have a nice day,
The SEEM organizing committee
Les étudiants en thèse et post-doctorants souhaitant participer aux discussions avec Frédérique peuvent contacter ou ou
Zoom link: