CeMEB Exploratory Research and ERJ projects publications

Publications projets recherches exploratoires 2021


Barnagaud JY, Brockerhoff EG, Mossion R, Dufour P, Pavoine S, Deconchat M, Barbaro L, Thomassen H (2021) Trait‐habitat associations explain novel bird assemblages mixing native and alien species across New Zealand landscapes. Diversity and Distributions 28 (1): 38-52. [Projet exploratoire Cemeb]

Caeiro-Dias G, Brelsford A, Kaliontzopoulou A, Meneses-Ribeiro M, Crochet P-A, Pinho C (2021) Variable levels of introgression between the endangered Podarcis carbonelli and highly divergent congeneric species. Heredity 126 (3): 463-476. [Projet exploratoire Cemeb]

Cheptou P-O (2021) Pollination strategies in the face of pollinator decline. Botany Letters 168 (3): 316-323. [Projet exploratoire Cemeb]

Chevenet F, Fargette D, Guindon S, Bañuls A-L (2021) EvoLaps: a web interface to visualize continuous phylogeographic reconstructions. BMC Bioinformatics 22 (1): 463. [Projet exploratoire Cemeb]

Feist R, Cornée J-J, Corradini C, Hartenfels S, Aretz M, Girard C (2021) The Devonian–Carboniferous boundary in the stratotype area (SE Montagne Noire, France). Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments 101 (2): 295-311. [Projet exploratoire Cemeb]

Garnier E, Leca E, Barkaoui K (2021) Leaf and pit traits of 35 olive varieties from different genetic groups growing in the French germplasm collection of the Porquerolles Island (Provence, France). Scientific Reports of Port-Cros national Park 35: 235–260. [Projet exploratoire Cemeb]

Gomard Y, Flores O, Vittecoq M, Blanchon T, Toty C, Duron O, Mavingui P, Tortosa P, McCoy KD (2021) Changes in bacterial diversity, composition and interactions during the development of the seabird tick Ornithodoros maritimus (Argasidae). Microbial Ecology 81 (3): 770-783. [Projet exploratoire Cemeb]

Hamel R, Phanitchat T, Wichit S, Morales Vargas RE, Jaroenpool J, Diagne CT, Pompon J, Missé D (2021) New insights into the biology of the emerging Tembusu virus. Pathogens 10 (8): 1010. [Projet exploratoire Cemeb]

L'Honoré T, Lorin-Nebel C, Blondeau-Bidet E, Perez J, Veyrunes F, Farcy E (2021) Intraspecific variation in freshwater tolerance has consequences for telomere dynamics in the euryhaline teleost Dicentrarchus labrax. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 545: 151611. [Plateforme Cytogénomique & Plateforme q-PCR haut débit & Projet Equipe de Recherche Junior Cemeb & Projet exploratoire Cemeb]

Ledoux JB, Ghanem R, Horaud M, López‐Sendino P, Romero‐Soriano V, Antunes A, Bensoussan N, Gómez‐Gras D, Linares C, Machordom A, Ocaña O, Templado J, Leblois R, Ben Souissi J, Garrabou J, Yeo D (2021) Gradients of genetic diversity and differentiation across the distribution range of a Mediterranean coral: Patterns, processes and conservation implications. Diversity and Distributions 27 (11): 2104-2123. [Projet exploratoire Cemeb & Plateforme MBB]

Luviano N, Lopez M, Gawehns F, Chaparro C, Arimondo PB, Ivanovic S, David P, Verhoeven K, Cosseau C, Grunau C (2021) The methylome of Biomphalaria glabrata and other mollusks: enduring modification of epigenetic landscape and phenotypic traits by a new DNA methylation inhibitor. Epigenetics & Chromatin 14 (1): 48. [Projet exploratoire Cemeb & Mobilité Cemeb]

McKey D (2021) Making the most of grasslands and heathlands : unearthing the links between soil paring-and-burning, plaggen cultivation, and raised-field agriculture. Revue d’Ethnoécologie 20 (2021): 8120. [Projet exploratoire Cemeb]

Renaud S, Ecalle B, Claisse P, Charruault AL, Ledevin R, Girard C, Lautenschlager S (2021) Patterns of bilateral asymmetry and allometry in Late Devonian Polygnathus conodonts. Palaeontology 64 (1): 137-159. [Projet exploratoire Cemeb]

Rounsevell MDA, Arneth A, Brown C, Cheung WWL, Gimenez O, Holman I, Leadley P, Luján C, Mahevas S, Maréchaux I, Pélissier R, Verburg PH, Vieilledent G, Wintle BA, Shin Y-J (2021) Identifying uncertainties in scenarios and models of socio-ecological systems in support of decision-making. One Earth 4 (7): 967-985. [Projet exploratoire Cemeb]

Terral J-F, Bonhomme V, Pagnoux C, Ivorra S, Newton C, Paradis L, Ater M, Kassout J, Limier B, Bouby L, Cornet F, Barazani O, Dag A, Galili E (2021) The shape diversity of olive stones resulting from domestication and diversification unveils traits of the oldest known 6500-years-old table olives from Hishuley Carmel site (israel). Agronomy 11 (11): 2187. [Projet exploratoire Cemeb]

Valencia‐Montoya WA, Flaven E, Pouzadoux J, Imbert E, Cheptou PO (2021) Rapid divergent evolution of an annual plant across a latitudinal gradient revealed by seed resurrection. Evolution 75 (11): 2759-2772. [Plateforme GenSeq & Plateforme TE & Projet exploratoire Cemeb]

Virgoulay T, Rousset F, Noûs C, Leblois R (2021) GSpace: an exact coalescence simulator of recombining genomes under isolation by distance. Bioinformatics 37 (20): 3673-3675. [Projet exploratoire Cemeb & Plateforme MBB]



Publications projets ERJ 2021


Le Roncé I, Gavinet J, Ourcival JM, Mouillot F, Chuine I, Limousin JM (2021) Holm oak fecundity does not acclimate to a drier world. New Phytologist 231 (2): 631-645. [Projet Equipe de Recherche Junior Cemeb & Plateforme TE]

L'Honoré T, Lorin-Nebel C, Blondeau-Bidet E, Perez J, Veyrunes F, Farcy E (2021) Intraspecific variation in freshwater tolerance has consequences for telomere dynamics in the euryhaline teleost Dicentrarchus labrax. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 545: 151611. [Plateforme Cytogénomique & Plateforme q-PCR haut débit & Projet Equipe de Recherche Junior Cemeb & Projet exploratoire Cemeb]

Tournayre O, Leuchtmann M, Galan M, Trillat M, Piry S, Pinaud D, Filippi‐Codaccioni O, Pontier D, Charbonnel N (2021) eDNA metabarcoding reveals a core and secondary diets of the greater horseshoe bat with strong spatio‐temporal plasticity. Environmental DNA 3 (1): 277-296. [Doctorat Cemeb & Projet Equipe de Recherche Junior Cemeb & Plateforme GenSeq]



Publications projets recherches exploratoires 2020

Champreux A, Meyer-Berthaud B, Decombeix A-L (sous presse) Keraphyton gen. nov., a new Late Devonian plant genus of iridopterid affinities from New South Wales, Australia. PeerJ: sous presse. [Cemeb exploratory project]

Ganem G, Dufour CMS, Avenant NL, Caminade P, Eiseb SJ, Tougard C, Pillay N (2020) An update on the distribution and diversification of Rhabdomys sp. (Muridae, Rodentia). Journal of Vertebrate Biology 69 (2): 20013.1-17. [Cemeb exploratory project]

Feist R, Cornée J-J, Corradini C, Hartenfels S, Aretz M, Girard C (sous presse) The Devonian–Carboniferous boundary in the stratotype area (SE Montagne Noire, France). Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments: sous presse. [Cemeb exploratory project]

Miralles A, Geniez P, Beddek M, Aranda DM, Brito JC, Leblois R, Crochet P-A (2020) Morphology and multilocus phylogeny of the spiny-footed lizard (Acanthodactylus erythrurus) complex reveal two new mountain species from the Moroccan Atlas. Zootaxa 4747 (2): 302-326. [Cemeb exploratory project]

Murri S, Madrières S, Tatard C, Piry S, Benoit L, Loiseau A, Pradel J, Artige E, Audiot P, Leménager N, Lacôte S, Vulin J, Charbonnel N, Marianneau P, Castel G (2020) Detection and genetic characterization of Puumala Orthohantavirus S-Segment in areas of France non-endemic for nephropathia epidemica. Pathogens 9 (9): 721.  [Cemeb exploratory project]

Rataud A, Dupraz M, Toty C, Blanchon T, Vittecoq M, Choquet R, McCoy KD (2020) Evaluating functional dispersal in a nest ectoparasite and its eco-epidemiological implications. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 7: 570157. [Cemeb exploratory project]

Robino E, Poirier AC, Amraoui H, Le Bissonnais S, Perret A, Lopez-Joven C, Auguet JC, Rubio TP, Cazevieille C, Rolland JL, Hechard Y, Destoumieux-Garzon D, Charriere GM (sous presse) Resistance of the oyster pathogen Vibrio tasmaniensis LGP32 against grazing by Vannella sp. marine amoeba involves Vsm and CopA virulence factors. Environmental Microbiology:  [Cemeb exploratory project]

Rodrigues L, Sprafke T, Bokatola Moyikola C, Barthès BG, Bertrand I, Comptour M, Rostain S, Yoka J, McKey D (2020) A Congo Basin ethnographic analogue of pre-Columbian Amazonian raised fields shows the ephemeral legacy of organic matter management. Scientific Reports 10 (1): 10851 [Cemeb exploratory project]

Souquet L, Corradini C, Girard C (2020a) 3D models related to the publication: Siphonodella leiosa (Conodonta), a new unornamented species from the Tournaisian (lower Carboniferous) of Puech de la Suque (Montagne Noire, France). MorphoMuseuM 6 (3): e115. [Cemeb exploratory project]

Publications projets ERJ 2020


Le Roncé I, Toïgo M, Dardevet E, Venner S, Limousin J-M, Chuine I (2020) Resource manipulation through experimental defoliation has legacy effects on allocation to reproductive and vegetative organs in Quercus ilex. Annals of Botany 126 (7): 1165- 1179. [Cemeb exploratory project [Equipe de recherche Junior Cemeb & Plateforme TE & Plateforme PACE]

Thoumazeau A, Chevallier T, Baron V, Rakotondrazafy N, Panklang P, Marichal R, Kibblewhite M, Sebag D, Tivet F, Bessou C, Gay F, Brauman A (2020) A new in- field indicator to assess the impact of land management on soil carbon dynamics. Geoderma 375: 114496. [Projet Equipe de recherche Junior Cemeb & Plateforme PACE & Plateforme Eco Trop]

Tournayre O, Leuchtmann M, Filippi-Codaccioni O, Trillat M, Piry S, Pontier D, Charbonnel N, Galan M (2020) In silico and empirical evaluation of twelve metabarcoding primer sets for insectivorous diet analyses. Ecology and Evolution 10 (13): 6310-6332. [Doctorat Cemeb & Projet Equipe de recherche Junior Cemeb & Plateforme GenSeq]


Publications projets recherches exploratoires 2019

Bourgarel M, Noël V, Pfukenyi D, Michaux J, André A, Becquart P, Cerqueira F, Barrachina C, Boué V, Talignani L, Matope G, Missé D, Morand S, Liégeois F (2019) Next-generation sequencing on insectivorous bat guano: an accurate tool to identify arthropod viruses of potential agricultural concern. Viruses 11 (12): 1102. [Cemeb exploratory project]

Buysse M, Plantard O, McCoy KD, Duron O, Menard C (2019) Tissue localization of Coxiella-like endosymbionts in three European tick species through fluorescence in situ hybridization. Ticks and Tick Borne Diseases 10 (4): 798-804. [Cemeb exploratory project]

Castel G, Chevenet F, Razzauti M, Murri S, Marianneau P, Cosson JF, Tordo N, Plyusnin A (2019) Phylogeography of Puumala orthohantavirus in Europe. Viruses 11 (8): 679. [Cemeb exploratory project]

Chevenet F, Castel G, Jousselin E, Gascuel O (2019) PastView: a user-friendly interface to explore ancestral scenarios. BMC Evolutionary Biology 19 (1): 163. [Cemeb exploratory project]

Decombeix A-L, Galtier J, McLoughlin S, Meyer-Berthaud B, Webb GE, Blake PR (2019) Early Carboniferous lignophyte tree diversity in Australia: Woods from the Drummond and Yarrol basins, Queensland. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 263: 47-64. [Cemeb exploratory project]

Garnier E, Vile D, Roumet C, Lavorel S, Grigulis K, Navas M-L, Lloret F (2019) Inter- and intra-specific trait shifts among sites differing in drought conditions at the north western edge of the Mediterranean Region. Flora 254: 147-160. [Cemeb exploratory project]

Klafack S, Fiston-Lavier AS, Bergmann SM, Hammoumi S, Schroder L, Fuchs W, Lusiastuti A, Lee PY, Heredia SV, Master student c, Gosselin-Grenet AS, Avarre JC (2019) Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 evolves in vitro through an assemblage of haplotypes that alternatively become dominant or under-represented. Viruses 11 (8): E754. [Cemeb exploratory project]

Madrieres S, Castel G, Murri S, Vulin J, Marianneau P, Charbonnel N (2019) The needs for developing experiments on reservoirs in Hantavirus research: accomplishments, challenges and promises for the future. Viruses 11 (7): 664. [Cemeb exploratory project]

Rataud A, Dupraz M, Toty C, Blanchon T, Vittecoq M, Choquet R, McCoy KD (2019) Evaluating functional dispersal and its eco-epidemiological implications in a nest ectoparasite (Version V3.0). PCI Ecology Zenodo 2592114, ver. 3: peer-reviewed and recommended by PCI Ecology. [Cemeb exploratory project]

Tanrattana M, Barczi J-F, Decombeix A-L, Meyer-Berthaud B, Wilson J (2019) A new approach for modeling water transport in fossil plants. IAWA Journal 40 (3): 466. [Cemeb exploratory project]

Tanrattana M, Meyer-Berthaud B, Decombeix A-L (2019) Callixylon wendtii sp. nov., a new species of archaeopteridalean progymnosperm from the Late Devonian of Anti-Atlas, Morocco. Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh 108 (4): 373-385. [Cemeb exploratory project]

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