CeMEB Technical facilities publications
Publications Plateformes 2021
Akkari M, Subsol G, Zemiti N, Lavenir L, Farah C, François F, Mondain M, Captier G, Poignet P, Venail F (2021) Feasibility of cochlea high-frequency ultrasound and microcomputed tomography registration for cochlear computer-assisted surgery: a testbed. Otology & Neurotology : Official Publication of the American Otological Society, American Neurotology Society & European Academy of Otology and Neurotology 42 (6): e779–e787. [Plateforme Microtomographie RX]
Al Riachy R, Strub C, Durand N, Guibert B, Guichard H, Constancias F, Chochois V, Lopez-Lauri F, Fontana A, Schorr-Galindo S (2021) Microbiome status of cider-apples, from orchard to processing, with a special focus on Penicillium expansum occurrence and patulin contamination. Journal of Fungi 7 (4): 244. [Plateforme GenSeq & Plateforme q-PCR haut débit]
Alfieri F, Nyakatura JA, Amson E (2021) Evolution of bone cortical compactness in slow arboreal mammals. Evolution 75 (2): 542-554. [Plateforme Microtomographie RX]
Allio R, Nabholz B, Wanke S, Chomicki G, Pérez-Escobar OA, Cotton AM, Clamens A-L, Kergoat GJ, Sperling FAH, Condamine FL (2021) Genome-wide macroevolutionary signatures of key innovations in butterflies colonizing new host plants. Nature Communications 12 (1): 354. [Plateforme MBB]
Amaral MS, Santos DW, Pereira ASA, Tahira AC, Malvezzi JoVM, Miyasato PcA, Freitas RdP, Kalil J, Tjon Kon Fat EM, de Dood CJ, Corstjens PLAM, van Dam GJ, Nakano E, Castro SdO, Mattaraia VnGdM, Augusto RdC, Grunau C, Wilson RA, Verjovski-Almeida S (2021) Rhesus macaques self-curing from a schistosome infection can display complete immunity to challenge. Nature Communications 12 (1): 6181. [Plateforme Epigénomique]
Arias M, Leroy L, Madec C, Matos L, Tedore C, Elias M, Gomez D (2021) Partial wing transparency works better when disrupting wing edges: Evidence from a field experiment. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 34: 1840-1846. [Plateforme TE]
Armero A, Berthet N, Avarre J-C (2021) Intra-host diversity of SARS-Cov-2 should not be neglected: case of the State of Victoria, Australia. Viruses 13 (1): 133. [Plateforme MBB]
Augusto R, Rey O, Cosseau C, Chaparro C, Vidal-Dupiol J, Allienne J, Duval D, Pinaud S, Tˆnges S, Andriantsoa R, Luquet E, Aubret F, Dia Sow M, David P, Thomson V, Joly D, Gomes Lima M, Federico D, Danchin E, Minoda A, Grunau C (2021) A simple ATAC-seq protocol for population epigenetics. Wellcome Open Research 5: 121. [Plateforme Epigénomique]
Aupic-Samain A, Santonja M, Chomel M, Pereira S, Quer E, Lecareux C, Limousin J-M, Ourcival J-M, Simioni G, Gauquelin T, Fernandez C, Baldy V (2021) Soil biota response to experimental rainfall reduction depends on the dominant tree species in mature northern Mediterranean forests. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 154: 108122. [Plateforme PACE]
Barry P, Broquet T, Gagnaire PA (2021) Age‐specific survivorship and fecundity shape genetic diversity in marine fishes. Evolution Letters 6 (1): 46-62. [Plateforme GenSeq]
Berio F, Broyon M, Enault S, Pirot N, López-Romero FA, Debiais-Thibaud M (2021) Diversity and evolution of mineralized skeletal tissues in Chondrichthyans. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9: 223. [Plateforme Microtomographie RX]
Bettarel Y, Boudin E, Halary S, Auguet J, Péronnin J, Bouvier T, Rochelle-Newall E, Bui V, Desnues C (2021) The hungry snail, the fragile coral, and the friendly microbe. Frontiers for Young Minds 9: 573856. [Plateforme Microbex]
Bidaud A, Loizides M, Armada F, de Dios Reyes J, Carteret X, Corriol G, Consiglio G, Reumaux P, Bellanger JM (2021) Cortinarius subgenus Leprocybe in Europe: expanded Sanger and Next Generation Sequencing unveil unexpected diversity in the Mediterranean. Persoonia - Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi 46: 188 – 215. [Plateforme GenSeq]
Blanc M, Alfonso S, Bégout M-L, Barrachina C, Hyötyläinen T, Keiter SH, Cousin X (2021) An environmentally relevant mixture of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and polybrominated diphenylethers (PBDEs) disrupts mitochondrial function, lipid metabolism and neurotransmission in the brain of exposed zebrafish and their unexposed F2 offspring. Science of The Total Environment 754: 142097. [Plateforme q-PCR haut débit]
Blanc M, Antczak P, Cousin X, Grunau C, Scherbak N, Rüegg J, Keiter S (2021) The insecticide permethrin induces transgenerational behavioral changes linked to transcriptomic and epigenetic alterations in zebrafish (Danio rerio). Science of the Total Environment 779: 146404. [Plateforme Epigénomique & Plaeteforme q-PCR haut débit]
Blatrix R, Kidyoo A, Kidyoo M, Piapukiew J, Satjarak A, Paliyavuth C, Boonchai W, McKey D (2021) The symbiosis between Philidris ants and the ant-plant Dischidia major includes fungal and algal associates. Symbiosis 83: 305-315. [Plateforme TE]
Bonhomme F, Meyer L, Arbiol C, Bănaru D, Bahri‐Sfar L, Fadhlaoui‐Zid K, Strelkov P, Arculeo M, Soulier L, Quignard JP, Gagnaire PA (2021) Systematics of European coastal anchovies (genus Engraulis Cuvier). Journal of Fish Biology 100 (2): 594-600. [Plateforme MBB]
Bouvy M, Dupuy C, Got P, Domaizon I, Carré C, Pagano M, Debroas D, Roques C, Leboulanger C (2021) Rapid responses of pristine marine planktonic communities in experimental approach to diuron and naphthalene (Juan de Nova Island, Western Indian Ocean). Marine and Freshwater Research 72 (7): 1065-1085. [Plateforme Microbex]
Boyer L, Jabbour‐Zahab R, Mosna M, Haag CR, Lenormand T (2021) Not so clonal asexuals: Unraveling the secret sex life of Artemia parthenogenetica. Evolution Letters 5 (2): 164-174. [Plateforme GenSeq]
Burioli EAV, Hammel M, Bierne N, Thomas F, Houssin M, Destoumieux-Garzón D, Charrière GM (2021) Traits of a mussel transmissible cancer are reminiscent of a parasitic life style. Scientific Reports 11 (1): 24110. [Plateforme q-PCR haut débit]
Caizergues AE, Charmantier A, Lambrechts MM, Perret S, Demeyrier V, Lucas A, Grégoire A (2021) An avian urban morphotype: how the city environment shapes great tit morphology at different life stages. Urban Ecosystems 24: 929-941. [Plateforme TE]
Canessa R, van den Brink L, Saldana A, Rios RS, Hattenschwiler S, Mueller CW, Prater I, Tielborger K, Bader MY (2021) Relative effects of climate and litter traits on decomposition change with time, climate and trait variability. Journal of Ecology 109 (1): 447-458. [Plateforme TE]
Cao Q, Giffard-Mena I, Blondeau-Bidet E, Hermet S, Hu Y-C, Lee T-H, Lorin-Nebel C (2021) Mechanisms of acclimation to hypersalinity in two European sea bass lineages: a focus on the kidney function. Aquaculture 534: 736305. [Plateforme Microbex & Plateforme q-PCR haut débit]
Caro SP, Pierre L, Berges M, Bakker R, Doutrelant C, Bonadonna F (2021) Mutual mate preferences and assortative mating in relation to a carotenoid-based color trait in blue tits. Behavioral Ecology 32: 1171-1182. [Plateforme TE]
Cheutin M-C, Villéger S, Hicks CC, Robinson JPW, Graham NAJ, Marconnet C, Restrepo CXO, Bettarel Y, Bouvier T, Auguet J-C (2021) Microbial Shift in the Enteric Bacteriome of Coral Reef Fish Following Climate-Driven Regime Shifts. Microorganisms 9 (8): 1711. [Plateforme Microbex]
Courboulès J, Vidussi F, Soulié T, Mas S, Pecqueur D, Mostajir B (2021) Effects of experimental warming on small phytoplankton, bacteria and viruses in autumn in the Mediterranean coastal Thau Lagoon. Aquatic Ecology 55 (2): 647-666. [Plateforme Microbex]
Daou L, Garnier É, Shipley B (2021) Quantifying the relationship linking the community-weighted means of plant traits and soil fertility. Ecology 102 (9): e03454. [Plateforme PACE]
Darinot F, Le Petitcorps Q, Arnal V, Coulon A, Montgelard C (2021) Effects of landscape features and flooding on the genetic structure of a small wetland rodent, the harvest mouse (Micromys minutus). Landscape Ecology 36 (6): 1755-1771. [Plateforme GenSeq]
Engel M, Vospernik S, Toigo M, Morin X, Tomao A, Trotta C, Steckel M, Barbati A, Nothdurft A, Pretzsch H, del Rio M, Skrzyszewski J, Ponette Q, Lof M, Jansons A, Brazaitis G (2021) Simulating the effects of thinning and species mixing on stands of oak (Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl./Quercus robur L.) and pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) across Europe. Ecological Modelling 442: 109406. [Plateforme TE]
Escalas A, Auguet J-C, Avouac A, Seguin R, Gradel A, Borrossi L, Villéger S (2021) Ecological Specialization Within a Carnivorous Fish Family Is Supported by a Herbivorous Microbiome Shaped by a Combination of Gut Traits and Specific Diet. Frontiers in Marine Science 8: 622883. [Plateforme GenSeq]
Fernandez R, Moisy C (2021) Fijiyama: a registration tool for 3D multimodal time-lapse imaging. Bioinformatics 37 (10): 1482-1484. [Plateforme Microtomographie RX]
Fouquet A, Leblanc K, Framit M, Réjaud A, Rodrigues MT, Castroviejo-Fisher S, Peloso PLV, Prates I, Manzi S, Suescun U, Baroni S, Moraes LJCL, Recoder R, de Souza SM, Dal Vecchio F, Camacho A, Ghellere JM, Rojas-Runjaic FJM, Gagliardi-Urrutia G, Fabre A-C (2021) Species diversity and biogeography of an ancient frog clade from the Guiana Shield (Anura: Microhylidae: Adelastes , Otophryne , Synapturanus ) exhibiting spectacular phenotypic diversification. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 132 (2): 233–256. [Plateforme Microtomographie RX]
Freschet GT, Pages L, Iversen CM, Comas LH, Rewald B, Roumet C, Klimesova J, Zadworny M, Poorter H, Postma JA, Adams TS, Bagniewska-Zadworna A, Bengough AG, Blancaflor EB, Brunner I, Cornelissen JHC, Garnier E, Gessler A, Hobbie SE, Meier IC, Mommer L, Picon-Cochard C, Rose L, Ryser P, Scherer-Lorenzen M, Soudzilovskaia NA, Stokes A, Sun T, Valverde-Barrantes OJ, Weemstra M, Weigelt A, Wurzburger N, York LM, Batterman SA, de Moraes MG, Janecek S, Lambers H, Salmon V, Tharayil N, McCormack ML (2021) A starting guide to root ecology: strengthening ecological concepts and standardising root classification, sampling, processing and trait measurements. New Phytologist 232: 973-1122. [Plateforme TE]
Freschet GT, Roumet C, Comas LH, Weemstra M, Bengough AG, Rewald B, Bardgett RD, De Deyn GB, Johnson D, Klimesova J, Lukac M, McCormack ML, Meier IC, Pagès L, Poorter H, Prieto I, Wurzburger N, Zadworny M, Bagniewska-Zadworna A, Blancaflor EB, Brunner I, Gessler A, Hobbie SE, Iversen CM, Mommer L, Picon-Cochard C, Postma JA, Rose L, Ryser P, Scherer-Lorenzen M, Soudzilovskaia NA, Sun T, Valverde-Barrantes OJ, Weigelt A, York LM, Stokes A (2021) Root traits as drivers of plant and ecosystem functioning: current understanding, pitfalls and future research needs. New Phytologist 232: 1123-1158. [Plateforme TE]
Gadoin E, Desnues C, Monteil-Bouchard S, Bouvier T, Auguet J-C, Roque d’Orbcastel E, Bettarel Y (2021) Fishing for the Virome of Tropical Tuna. Viruses 13 (7): 1291. [Plateforme Microbex]
García-Sánchez M, Souche M, Trives-Segura C, Plassard C (2021) The grazing activity of Acrobeloides sp. drives phytate mineralisation within its trophic relationship with bacteria. Journal of Nematology 53: 1-13. [Plateforme Microbex EcoTrop]
Gazaix A, Grillas P, Papuga G, Fontes H, Sabatier F, Pons V, Gauthier P, Thompson JD (2021) Ecological niche differentiation among six annual Lythrum species in Mediterranean temporary pools. Oecologia 197: 715–727. [Plateforme PACE & Plateforme TE]
Georgalis GL, Guinot G, Kassegne KE, Amoudji YZ, Johnson AK, Cappetta H, Hautier L (2021) 3D models related to the publication: An assemblage of giant aquatic snakes (Serpentes, Palaeophiidae) from the Eocene of Togo. MorphoMuseuM 7 (4): e154. [Plateforme Microtomographie RX]
Georgalis GL, Guinot G, Kassegne KE, Amoudji YZ, Johnson AKC, Cappetta H, Hautier L (2021) An assemblage of giant aquatic snakes (Serpentes, Palaeophiidae) from the Eocene of Togo. Swiss Journal of Palaeontology 140 (1): 20. [Plateforme Microtomographie RX]
Gillespie LM, Hättenschwiler S, Milcu A, Wambsganss J, Shihan A, Fromin N (2021) Tree species mixing affects soil microbial functioning indirectly via root and litter traits and soil parameters in European forests. Functional Ecology 35 (10): 2190–2204. [Plateforme PACE & Plateforme TE]
Girard C, Ledevin R, Charruault A-L, Renaud S (2021) 3D models related to the publication: Patterns of bilateral asymmetry and allometry in Late Devonian Polygnathus conodonts. MorphoMuseuM 7 (2): e126. [Plateforme Microtomographie RX]
Goikoetxea A, Sadoul B, Blondeau-Bidet E, Aerts J, Blanc M-O, Parrinello H, Barrachina C, Pratlong M, Geffroy B (2021) Genetic pathways underpinning hormonal stress responses in fish exposed to short- and long-term warm ocean temperatures. Ecological Indicators 120: 106937. [Plateforme q-PCR haut débit]
Guerrero-Ramírez NR, Mommer L, Freschet GT, Iversen CM, McCormack ML, Kattge J, Poorter H, van der Plas F, Bergmann J, Kuyper TW, York LM, Bruelheide H, Laughlin DC, Meier IC, Roumet C, Semchenko M, Sweeney CJ, van Ruijven J, Valverde-Barrantes OJ, Aubin I, Catford JA, Manning P, Martin A, Milla R, Minden V, Pausas JG, Smith SW, Soudzilovskaia NA, Ammer C, Butterfield B, Craine J, Cornelissen JHC, de Vries FT, Isaac ME, Kramer K, König C, Lamb EG, Onipchenko VG, Peñuelas J, Reich PB, Rillig MC, Sack L, Shipley B, Tedersoo L, Valladares F, van Bodegom P, Weigelt P, Wright JP, Weigelt A (2021) Global root traits (GRooT) database. Global Ecology and Biogeography 30: 25-37. [Plateforme TE]
Guinand B, Oral M, Tougard C (2021) Brown trout phylogenetics: a persistent mirage towards (too) many species. Journal of Fish Biology 99 (2): 298-307. [Plateforme MBB]
Günther B, Fromentin J-M, Metral L, Arnaud-Haond S (2021) Metabarcoding confirms the opportunistic foraging behaviour of Atlantic bluefin tuna and reveals the importance of gelatinous prey. PeerJ 9: e11757. [Plateforme GenSeq]
Hammel M, Simon A, Arbiol C, Villalba A, Burioli EAV, Pépin JF, Lamy JB, Benabdelmouna A, Bernard I, Houssin M, Charrière GM, Destoumieux‐Garzon D, Welch JJ, Metzger MJ, Bierne N (2021) Prevalence and polymorphism of a mussel transmissible cancer in Europe. Molecular Ecology 31 (3): 736-751. [Plateforme q-PCR haut débit]
Hassanaly-Goulamhoussen R, De Carvalho Augusto R, Marteu-Garello N, Péré A, Favery B, Da Rocha M, Danchin E, Abad P, Grunau C, Perfus-Barbeoch L (2021) Chromatin landscape dynamics in the early development of the plant parasitic nematode Meloidogyne incognita. Frontiers in Cell Development Biology 9: 765690. [Plateforme Epigénomique]
Hautier L, Tabuce R, Kassegne KE, Amoudji YZ, Mourlam M, Orliac M, Quillévéré F, Charruault A-L, Johnson AK, Guinot G (2021) 3D models related to the publication: New middle Eocene proboscidean from Togo illuminates the early evolution of the elephantiform-like dental pattern. MorphoMuseuM 7 (4): e145. [Plateforme Microtomographie RX]
Hautier L, Tabuce R, Mourlam MJ, Kassegne KE, Amoudji YZ, Orliac M, Quillévéré F, Charruault AL, Johnson AKC, Guinot G (2021) New Middle Eocene proboscidean from Togo illuminates the early evolution of the elephantiform-like dental pattern. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 288: 1960. [Plateforme Microtomographie RX]
Heepngoen P, Thoumazeau A, Renevier M-S, Sajjaphan K, Gay F, Brauman A (2021) Relationships between physico-chemical, biological and functional approaches for soil quality assessment. A case study along a gradient of disturbance. European Journal of Soil Biology 104: 103300. [Plateforme EcoTrop]
Hou S-L, Hättenschwiler S, Yang J-J, Sistla S, Wei H-W, Zhang Z-W, Hu Y-Y, Wang R-Z, Cui S-Y, Lü X-T, Han X-G (2021) Increasing rates of long-term nitrogen deposition consistently increased litter decomposition in a semi-arid grassland. New Phytologist 229: 296-307. [Plateforme TE]
Houssaye A, Martin F, Boisserie JR, Lihoreau F (2021) Paleoecological inferences from long bone microanatomical specializations in Hippopotamoidea (Mammalia, Artiodactyla). Journal of Mammalian Evolution 28 (3): 847–870. [Plateforme Microtomographie RX]
Ibouroi MT, Arnal V, Cheha A, Dhurham SAO, Montgelard C, Besnard A (2021) Noninvasive genetic sampling for flying foxes: a valuable method for monitoring demographic parameters. Ecosphere 12: e03327. [Plateforme ADN dégradé]
Imarazene B, Du K, Beille S, Jouanno E, Feron R, Pan Q, Torres-Paz J, Lopez-Roques C, Castinel A, Gil L, Kuchly C, Donnadieu C, Parrinello H, Journot L, Cabau C, Zahm M, Klopp C, Pavlica T, Al-Rikabi A, Liehr T, Simanovsky SA, Bohlen J, Sember A, Perez J, Veyrunes F, Mueller TD, Postlethwait JH, Schartl M, Herpin A, Rétaux S, Guiguen Y (2021) A supernumerary “B-sex” chromosome drives male sex determination in the Pachón cavefish, Astyanax mexicanus. Current Biology 31 (21): 4800-4809. [Plateforme Cytogénomique]
Jay P, Chouteau M, Whibley A, Bastide H, Parrinello H, Llaurens V, Joron M (2021) Mutation load at a mimicry supergene sheds new light on the evolution of inversion polymorphisms. Nature Genetics 53 (3): 288-293. [Plateforme MBB]
Jing X, Muys B, Bruelheide H, Desie E, Hattenschwiler S, Jactel H, Jaroszewicz B, Kardol P, Ratcliffe S, Scherer-Lorenzen M, Selvi F, Vancampenhout K, van der Plas F, Verheyen K, Vesterdal L, Zuo J, Van Meerbeek K (2021) Above- and below-ground complementarity rather than selection drive tree diversity-productivity relationships in European forests. Functional Ecology 35: 1756-1767. [Plateforme TE]
Joimel S, Cortet J, Consalès JN, Branchu P, Haudin C-S, Morel JL, Schwartz C (2021) Contribution of chemical inputs on the trace elements concentrations of surface soils in urban allotment gardens. Journal of Soils and Sediments 21: 328-337. [Plateforme TE]
Joimel S, Schwartz C, Bonfanti J, Hedde M, Krogh PH, Peres G, Pernin C, Rakoto A, Salmon S, Santorufo L, Cortet J (2021) Functional and taxonomic diversity of Collembola as complementary tools to assess land use effects on soils biodiversity. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9: 630919. [Plateforme TE]
Jourdan M, Piedallu C, Baudry J, Defossez E, Morin X (2021) Tree diversity and the temporal stability of mountain forest productivity: testing the effect of species composition, through asynchrony and overyielding. European Journal of Forest Research 140 (2): 273-286. [Plateforme TE]
Kassegne KE, Mourlam M, Guinot G, Amoudji YZ, Martin JE, Togbe KA, Johnson AK, Hautier L (2021) 3D models related to the publication: First partial cranium of Togocetus from Kpogamé (Togo) and the protocetid diversity in the Togolese phosphate basin. MorphoMuseuM 7 (2): e143. [Plateforme Microtomographie RX]
Kassegne KE, Mourlam MJ, Guinot G, Amoudji YZ, Martin JE, Togbe KA, Johnson AK, Hautier L (2021) First partial cranium of Togocetus from Kpogamé (Togo) and the protocetid diversity in the Togolese phosphate basin. Annales de Paleontologie 107 (2): 102488. [Plateforme Microtomographie RX]
Kidyoo A, Kidyoo M, Blatrix R, Deconninck G, McKey D, Ekkaphan P, Proffit M (2021) Molecular phylogenetic analysis and taxonomic reconsideration of Ceropegia hirsuta (Apocynaceae, Asclepiadoideae) reveal a novelty in Thailand, Ceropegia citrina sp. nov., with notes on its pollination ecology. Plant Systematics and Evolution 307 (2): 14. [Plateforme PACE]
Krick MV, Desmarais E, Samaras A, Guéret E, Dimitroglou A, Pavlidis M, Tsigenopoulos C, Guinand B (2021) Family-effects in the epigenomic response of red blood cells to a challenge test in the European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax, L.). BMC Genomics 22 (1): 111. [Plateforme MBB]
Kulagowski R, Thoumazeau A, Leopold A, Lienhard P, Boulakia S, Metay A, Sturm T, Tixier P, Brauman A, Fogliani B, Tivet F (2021) Effects of conservation agriculture maize-based cropping systems on soil health and crop performance in New Caledonia. Soil and Tillage Research 212: 105079. [Plateforme EcoTrop]
L'Honoré T, Lorin-Nebel C, Blondeau-Bidet E, Perez J, Veyrunes F, Farcy E (2021) Intraspecific variation in freshwater tolerance has consequences for telomere dynamics in the euryhaline teleost Dicentrarchus labrax. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 545: 151611. [Plateforme Cytogénomique & Plateforme q-PCR haut débit & Projet Equipe de Recherche Junior Cemeb & Projet exploratoire Cemeb]
Le Roncé I, Gavinet J, Ourcival JM, Mouillot F, Chuine I, Limousin JM (2021) Holm oak fecundity does not acclimate to a drier world. New Phytologist 231 (2): 631-645. [Projet Equipe de Recherche Junior Cemeb & Plateforme TE]
le Verger K, González Ruiz LR, Billet G (2021) Comparative anatomy and phylogenetic contribution of intracranial osseous canals and cavities in armadillos and glyptodonts (Xenarthra, Cingulata). Journal of Anatomy 239 (6): 1473–1502. [Plateforme Microtomographie RX]
Lebrun R, Perier A, Masters J, Marivaux L, Couette S (2021) Lower levels of vestibular developmental stability in slow-moving than fast-moving primates. Symmetry 13 (12): 2305. [Plateforme Microtomographie RX]
Ledoux JB, Ghanem R, Horaud M, López‐Sendino P, Romero‐Soriano V, Antunes A, Bensoussan N, Gómez‐Gras D, Linares C, Machordom A, Ocaña O, Templado J, Leblois R, Ben Souissi J, Garrabou J, Yeo D (2021) Gradients of genetic diversity and differentiation across the distribution range of a Mediterranean coral: Patterns, processes and conservation implications. Diversity and Distributions 27 (11): 2104-2123. [Projet exploratoire Cemeb & Plateforme MBB]
Leger M, Luquot L (2021) Importance of microstructure in carbonate rocks: laboratory and 3D-imaging petrophysical characterization. Applied Sciences 11 (9): 3784. [Plateforme Microtomographie RX]
Leroy T, Rousselle M, Tilak M-K, Caizergues AE, Scornavacca C, Recuerda M, Fuchs J, Illera JC, De Swardt DH, Blanco G, Thébaud C, Milá B, Nabholz B (2021) Island songbirds as windows into evolution in small populations. Current Biology 31 (6): 1303-1310.e4. [Plateforme MBB]
Leruste A, Garrido M, Malet N, Bec B, De Wit R, Cecchi P, Pasqualini V (2021) Impact of nutrient availability on the trophic strategies of the planktonic protist communities in a disturbed Mediterranean coastal lagoon. Hydrobiologia 848 (5): 1101-1119. [Plateforme Microbex]
Leurs N, Martinand-Mari C, Ventéo S, Haitina T, Debiais-Thibaud M (2021) Evolution of Matrix Gla and Bone Gla Protein Genes in Jawed Vertebrates. Frontiers in Genetics 12: 620659. [Plateforme GenSeq & Plateforme MBB]
Lihoreau F, Sarr R, Chardon D, Boisserie J-R, Lebrun R, Adnet S, Martin JE, Sambou B, Tabuce R, Thiam M, Hautier L (2021) 3D model related to the publication: A fossil terrestrial fauna from Tobène (Senegal) provides a unique early Pliocene window in western Africa. MorphoMuseuM 7 (3): e102. [Plateforme Microtomographie RX]
Lihoreau F, Sarr R, Chardon D, Boisserie JR, Lebrun R, Adnet S, Martin JE, Pallas L, Sambou B, Tabuce R, Thiam MM, Hautier L (2021) A fossil terrestrial fauna from Tobène (Senegal) provides a unique early Pliocene window in western Africa. Gondwana Research 99: 21–35. [Plateforme Microtomographie RX]
Loisier A, Savelli M-P, Arnal V, Claro F, Gambaiani D, Sénégas JB, Cesarini C, Sacchi J, Miaud C, Montgelard C (2021) Genetic composition, origin and conservation of loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) frequenting the French Mediterranean coasts. Marine Biology 168 (4): 52. [Plateforme GenSeq]
Marques R, Rufino M, Darnaude AM, Carcaillet F, Meffre M, Bonnet D (2021) Jellyfish degradation in a shallow coastal Mediterranean lagoon. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 261: 107527. [Plateforme Microbex]
Mondet F, Blanchard S, Barthes N, Beslay D, Bordier C, Costagliola G, Hervé MR, Lapeyre B, Kim SH, Basso B, Mercer AR, Conte YL (2021) Chemical detection triggers honey bee defense against a destructive parasitic threat. Nature Chemical Biology 17 (5): 524–530. [Plateforme PACE]
Odjo T, Diagne D, Adreit H, Milazzo J, Raveloson H, Andriantsimialona D, Kassankogno AI, Ravel S, Gumedzoé YMD, Ouedraogo I, Koita O, Silué D, Tharreau D (2021) Structure of African populations of Pyricularia oryzae from rice. Phytopathology 111 (8): 1428-1437. [Plateforme GenSeq]
Orliac M, Bouaziz H, Weppe R (2021) Brain damage: the endocranial cast of Mixtotherium cuspidatum (Mammalia, Artiodactyla) from the Victor Brun Museum (Montauban, France). MorphoMuseuM 7 (4): e158. [Plateforme Microtomographie RX]
Orliac M, Thewissen JGM (2021) 3D models related to the publication: The endocranial cast of Indohyus (Artiodactyla, Raoellidae): the origin of the cetacean brain. MorphoMuseuM 7 (2): e137. [Plateforme Microtomographie RX]
Paradis E (2021) Forest gains and losses in Southeast Asia over 27 years: The slow convergence towards reforestation. Forest Policy and Economics 122: 102332. [Plateforme MBB]
Pordel A, Ravel S, Charriat F, Gladieux P, Cros-Arteil S, Milazzo J, Adreit H, Javan-Nikkhah M, Mirzadi-Gohari A, Moumeni A, Tharreau D (2021) Tracing the origin and evolutionary history of Pyricularia oryzae infecting maize and barnyard grass. Phytopathology 111 (1): 128-136. [Plateforme GenSeq]
Quéméré E, Aucourd M, Troispoux V, Brosse S, Murienne J, Covain R, Le Bail PY, Olivier J, Tysklind N, Galan M (2021) Unraveling the dietary diversity of Neotropical top predators using scat DNA metabarcoding: A case study on the elusive Giant Otter. Environmental DNA 3 (5): 889-900. [Plateforme GenSeq]
Rabier C-E, Berry V, Stoltz M, Santos JD, Wang W, Glaszmann J-C, Pardi F, Scornavacca C (2021) On the inference of complex phylogenetic networks by Markov Chain Monte-Carlo. PLOS Computational Biology 17 (9): e1008380. [Plateforme MBB]
Rain‐Franco A, Mouquet N, Gougat‐Barbera C, Bouvier T, Beier S (2021) Niche breadth affects bacterial transcription patterns along a salinity gradient. Molecular Ecology 31 (4): 1216-1233. [Plateforme Microbex]
Roy L, Giangaspero A, Sleeckx N, Øines Ø (2021) Who Is Dermanyssus gallinae? Genetic structure of populations and critical synthesis of the current knowledge. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 8: 650546. [Plateforme TE]
Salazar Zarzosa P, Diaz Herraiz A, Olmo M, Ruiz-Benito P, Barrón V, Bastias CC, de la Riva EG, Villar R (2021) Linking functional traits with tree growth and forest productivity in Quercus ilex forests along a climatic gradient. Science of The Total Environment 786: 147468. [Plateforme TE]
Segrestin J, Sartori K, Navas ML, Kattge J, Díaz S, Garnier E (2021) PhenoSpace: A Shiny application to visualize trait data in the phenotypic space of the global spectrum of plant form and function. Ecology and Evolution 11 (4): 1526-1534. [Plateforme TE]
Sicard M, Namias A, Perriat-Sanguinet M, Carron E, Unal S, Altinli M, Landmann F, Weill M, Lemaitre B (2021) Cytoplasmic incompatibility variations in relation with Wolbachia cid genes divergence in Culex pipiens. mBio 12 (1): e02797-20. [Plateforme GenSeq]
Simon A, Fraïsse C, El Ayari T, Liautard‐Haag C, Strelkov P, Welch JJ, Bierne N (2021) How do species barriers decay? Concordance and local introgression in mosaic hybrid zones of mussels. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 34 (1): 208-223. [Plateforme GenSeq & Plateforme MBB]
Soulié A-S, Sleeckx N, Roy L (2021) Repellent properties of natural substances against Dermanyssus gallinae: review of knowledge and prospects for Integrated Pest Management. Acarologia 61 (1): 3-19. [Plateforme TE]
Sow MD, Le Gac AL, Fichot R, Lanciano S, Delaunay A, Le Jan I, Lesage‐Descauses MC, Citerne S, Caius J, Brunaud V, Soubigou‐Taconnat L, Cochard H, Segura V, Chaparro C, Grunau C, Daviaud C, Tost J, Brignolas F, Strauss SH, Mirouze M, Maury S (2021) RNAi suppression of DNA methylation affects the drought stress response and genome integrity in transgenic poplar. New Phytologist 232: 80–97. [Plateforme Epigénomique]
Stradic SL, Roumet C, Durigan G, Cancian L, Fidelis A (2021) Variation in biomass allocation and root functional parameters in response to fire history in Brazilian savannas. Journal of Ecology 109 (12): 4143–4157. [Plateforme PACE]
Tougard C, Vukić J, Ahnelt H, Buj I, Kovačić M, Moro GA, Tutman P, Šanda R (2021) Quaternary climatic cycles promoted (re)colonization and diversification events in Adriatic sand gobies. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 59 (5): 1037-1052. [Plateforme GenSeq]
Tournayre O, Leuchtmann M, Galan M, Trillat M, Piry S, Pinaud D, Filippi‐Codaccioni O, Pontier D, Charbonnel N (2021) eDNA metabarcoding reveals a core and secondary diets of the greater horseshoe bat with strong spatio‐temporal plasticity. Environmental DNA 3 (1): 277-296. [Doctorat Cemeb & Projet Equipe de Recherche Junior Cemeb & Plateforme GenSeq]
Trap J, Ranoarisoa PM, Irshad U, Plassard C (2021) Richness of rhizosphere organisms affects plant P nutrition according to P source and mobility. Agriculture 11 (2): 157. [Plateforme EcoTrop]
Trombetta T, Vidussi F, Roques C, Mas S, Scotti M, Mostajir B (2021) Co-occurrence networks reveal the central role of temperature in structuring the plankton community of the Thau Lagoon. Scientific Reports 11 (1): 17675 [Plateforme Microbex]
Valencia‐Montoya WA, Flaven E, Pouzadoux J, Imbert E, Cheptou PO (2021) Rapid divergent evolution of an annual plant across a latitudinal gradient revealed by seed resurrection. Evolution 75 (11): 2759-2772. [Plateforme GenSeq & Projet exploratoire Cemeb & Plateforme TE]
Vanderplanck M, Lapeyre Bt, Brondani M, Opsommer M, Dufay M, Hossaert-McKey M, Proffit M (2021) Ozone Pollution Alters Olfaction and Behavior of Pollinators. Antioxidants 10 (5): 636. [Plateforme PACE]
Virgoulay T, Rousset F, Noûs C, Leblois R (2021) GSpace: an exact coalescence simulator of recombining genomes under isolation by distance. Bioinformatics 37 (20): 3673-3675. [Projet exploratoire Cemeb & Plateforme MBB]
Vulin J, Murri S, Madrières S, Galan M, Tatard C, Piry S, Vaccari G, D’Agostino C, Charbonnel N, Castel G, Marianneau P (2021) Isolation and genetic characterization of Puumala Orthohantavirus strains from France. Pathogens 10 (3): 349. [Plateforme GenSeq]
Wambsganss J, Beyer F, Freschet GT, Scherer-Lorenzen M, Bauhus J (2021) Tree species mixing reduces biomass but increases length of absorptive fine roots in European forests. Journal of Ecology 109 (7): 2678–2691. [Plateforme PACE]
Zheng HF, Chen YM, Liu Y, Hedenec P, Peng Y, Xu ZF, Tan B, Zhang L, Guo L, Wang LF, Vesterdal L (2021) Effects of litter quality diminish and effects of vegetation type develop during litter decomposition of two shrub species in an alpine treeline ecotone. Ecosystems 24 (1): 197-210. [Plateforme TE]
Zheng Y, Hu Z, Pan X, Chen X, Derrien D, Hu F, Liu M, Hättenschwiler S (2021) Carbon and nitrogen transfer from litter to soil is higher in slow than rapid decomposing plant litter: A synthesis of stable isotope studies. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 156: 108196. [Plateforme TE]
Zriki G, Blatrix R, Bicout DJ, Gimenez O, Soulié A-S, Dadu L, Degueldre D, Chiron G, Sleeckx N, Roy L (2021) Population-level impact of native arthropod predators on the poultry red mite Dermanyssus gallinae. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological and Integrative Physiology 335 (6): 552-563. [Doctorat Cemeb & Plateforme TE]
Zriki G, Blatrix R, Dadu L, Soulié A-S, Dijoux J, Degueldre D, Sleeckx N, Roy L (2021) No deleterious effect of inundative releases of biological agents on native arthropod assemblages in poultry farms: A mesocosm experiment. Biological Control 156: 104560. [Doctorat Cemeb & Plateforme TE]
Publications Plateformes 2020
Allio R, Scornavacca C, Nabholz B, Clamens AL, Sperling FA, Condamine FL (2020) Whole genome shotgun phylogenomics resolves the pattern and timing of swallowtail butterfly evolution. Systematic Biology 69 (1): 38-60. [Plateforme MBB]
Allio R, Scornavacca C, Nabholz B, Clamens AL, Sperling FA, Condamine FL (2020b) Whole genome shotgun phylogenomics resolves the pattern and timing of swallowtail butterfly evolution. Systematic Biology 69 (1): 38-60. [Plateforme MBB]
Alonso P, Blondin L, Gladieux P, Mahe F, Sanguin H, Ferdinand R, Filloux D, Desmarais E, Cerqueira F, Jin BH, Huang HC, He XH, Morel JB, Martin DP, Roumagnac P, Verniere C (2020) Heterogeneity of the rice microbial community of the Chinese centuries-old Honghe Hani rice terraces system. Environmental Microbiology 22 (8): 3429-3445. [Plateforme GenSeq]
Altinli M, Lequime S, Atyame C, Justy F, Weill M, Sicard M (2020) Wolbachia modulates prevalence and viral load of Culex pipiens densoviruses in natural populations. Molecular Ecology 29 (20): 4000-4013. [Plateforme GenSeq]
Assemat A, Mourlam M, Orliac MJ (2020) 3D models related to the publication: The ossicular chain of Cainotheriidae (Mammalia, Artiodactyla). MorphoMuseuM 6: e110. [Plateforme Microtomographie RX]
Assogba BS, Pasteur N, Makoundou P, Unal S, Baba-Moussa L, Labbe P, Weill M (2020) Dynamic of resistance alleles of two major insecticide targets in Anopheles gambiae (s.l.) populations from Benin, West Africa. Parasites & Vectors 13 (1): 134. [Plateforme GenSeq]
Battie-Laclau P, Taschen E, Plassard C, Dezette D, Abadie J, Arnal D, Benezech P, Duthoit M, Pablo AL, Jourdan C, Laclau JP, Bertrand I, Taudiere A, Hinsinger P (2020) Role of trees and herbaceous vegetation beneath trees in maintaining arbuscular mycorrhizal communities in temperate alley cropping systems. Plant and Soil 453 (1- 2): 153-171. [Plateforme TE]
Berio F, Evin A, Goudemand N, Debiais‐Thibaud M (2020) The intraspecific diversity of tooth morphology in the large‐spotted catshark Scyliorhinus stellaris: insights into the ontogenetic cues driving sexual dimorphism. Journal of Anatomy 237: 960-978. [Plateforme Microtomographie RX]
Besnard G, Cheptou P-O, Debbaoui M, Lafont P, Hugueny B, Dupin J, BaaliCherif D (2020) Paternity tests support a di-allelic self-incompatibility system in a wild olive (Olea europaea subsp. laperrinei, Oleaceae). Ecology and Evolution: sous presse. [Plateforme TE]
Binetruy F, Buysse M, Lejarre Q, Barosi R, Villa M, Rahola N, Paupy C, Ayala D, Duron O (2020a) Microbial community structure reveals instability of nutritional symbiosis during the evolutionary radiation of Amblyomma ticks. Molecular Ecology 29 (5): 1016-1029. [Plateforme GenSeq]
Binetruy F, Garnier S, Boulanger N, Talagrand-Reboul E, Loire E, Faivre B, Noel V, Buysse M, Duron O (2020b) A novel Borrelia species, intermediate between Lyme disease and relapsing fever groups, in neotropical passerine-associated ticks. Scientific Reports 10 (1): 10596. [Plateforme GenSeq]
Brauman A, Thoumazeau A (2020) Biofunctool (R) : un outil de terrain pour évaluer la santé des sols, basé sur la mesure de fonctions issues de l'activité des organismes du sol. Etude et Gestion des sols 27 (1): 289-303. [Plateforme Eco Trop]
Bsaibes S, Piel F, Gros V, Truong F, Lafouge F, Ciuraru R, Buysse P, Kammer J, Loubet B, Staudt M (2020) Monoterpene chemical speciation with high time resolution using a FastGC/PTR-MS: Results from the COV3ER experiment on Quercus ilex. Atmosphere 11 (7): 690. [Plateforme TE]
Burban C, Rocha S, Leblois R, Rossi J-P, Sauné L, Branco M, Kerdelhué C (2020) From sympatry to parapatry: a rapid change in the spatial context of incipient allochronic speciation. Evolutionary Ecology 34 (1): 101-121. [Plateforme GenSeq]
Coq S, Nahmani J, Kazakou E, Fromin N, David J-F (2020) Do litter-feeding macroarthropods disrupt cascading effects of land use on microbial decomposer activity? Basic and Applied Ecology 46: 24-34. [Plateforme TE & Plateforme PACE]
D’Hervilly C, Marsden C, Hedde M, Bertrand I (2020) Sown understory vegetation strips impact soil chemical fertility, associated microorganisms and macro-invertebrates in two temperate alley cropping systems. Agroforestry Systems 94 (5): 1851-1864. [Plateforme Eco Trop]
Daussy J, Staudt M (2020) Do future climate conditions change volatile organic compound emissions from Artemisia annua? Elevated CO2 and temperature modulate actual VOC emission rate but not its emission capacity. Atmospheric Environment: X 7: 100082. [Plateforme TE & Plateforme PACE]
De Carvalho Augusto R, Roquis D, Al Picard M, Chaparro C, Cosseau C, Grunau C (2020) Measuring histone modifications in the human parasite Schistosoma mansoni. Methods in Molecular Biology 2151: 93-107. [Plateforme Epigénomique]
Derolez V, Malet N, Fiandrino A, Lagarde F, Richard M, Ouisse V, Bec B, Aliaume C (2020) Fifty years of ecological changes: Regime shifts and drivers in a coastal Mediterranean lagoon during oligotrophication. Science of The Total Environment 732: 139292. [Plateforme Microbex]
Desriac F, El Harras A, Simon M, Bondon A, Brillet B, Le Chevalier P, Pugnière M, Got P, Destoumieux-Garzón D, Fleury Y (2020) Alterins produced by oyster-associated Pseudoalteromonas are antibacterial cyclolipopeptides with LPS-binding activity. Marine Drugs 18 (12): 630. [Plateforme Microbex]
Dormont L, Fort T, Bessière J-M, Proffit M, Garcia Hidalgo E, Buatois B, Schatz B (2020) Sources of floral scent variation in the food-deceptive orchid Orchis mascula. Acta Oecologica 107: 103600. [Plateforme PACE]
Draredja MA, Frihi H, Boualleg C, Abadie E, Laabir M (2020) Distribution of dinoflagellate cyst assemblages in recent sediments from a southern Mediterranean lagoon (Mellah, Algeria) with emphasis on toxic species. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 27 (20): 25173-25185. [Plateforme Microbex]
Dugé de Bernonville T, Maury Sp, Delaunay A, Daviaud C, Chaparro C, Tost Jr, O‚ÄôConnor SE, Courdavault V (2020) Developmental Methylome of the Medicinal Plant Catharanthus roseus Unravels the Tissue-Specific Control of the Monoterpene Indole Alkaloid Pathway by DNA Methylation. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 (17): 6028. [Plateforme Epigénomique]
El Adouzi M, Arriaga-Jiménez A, Dormont L, Barthes N, Labalette A, Lapeyre Bt, Bonato O, Roy L (2020) Modulation of feed composition is able to make hens less attractive to the poultry red mite Dermanyssus gallinae. Parasitology 147 (2): 171-181. [Plateforme PACE]
Evin A, Lebrun R, Durocher M, Ameen C, Larson G, Sykes N (2020) Building three- dimensional models before destructive sampling of bioarchaeological remains: A comment to Pálsdóttir et al. (2019). Royal Society Open Science 7: [Plateforme Microtomographie RX]
Ferreira MS, Alves PC, Callahan CM, Giska I, Farelo L, Jenny H, Mills LS, Hackländer K, Good JM, Melo‐Ferreira J (2020) Transcriptomic regulation of seasonal coat color change in hares. Ecology and Evolution 10 (3): 1180-1192. [Plateforme MBB]
Ferreira-Cardoso S, Billet G, Gaubert P, Delsuc F, Hautier L (2020) Skull shape variation in extant pangolins (Pholidota: Manidae): allometric patterns and systematic implications. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 188 (1): 255-275. [Plateforme Microtomographie RX]
Ferreira-Cardoso S, Fabre P-H, de Thoisy B, Delsuc F, Hautier L (2020b) 3D models related to the publication: "Comparative masticatory myology in anteaters and its implications for interpreting morphological convergence in myrmecophagous placentals". MorphoMuseuM 6: e114. [Plateforme Microtomographie RX]
Ferreira-Cardoso S, Fabre PH, de Thoisy B, Delsuc F, Hautier L (2020c) Comparative masticatory myology in anteaters and its implications for interpreting morphological convergence in myrmecophagous placentals. PeerJ 8: e9690. [Plateforme Microtomographie RX]
Fietz K, Trofimenko E, Guerin P-E, Arnal V, Torres-Oliva M, Lobréaux S, Pérez-Ruzafa A, Manel S, Puebla O (2020) New genomic resources for three exploited Mediterranean fishes. Genomics 112 (6): 4297-4303. [Plateforme MBB]
Fort F, Freschet GT (2020) Plant ecological indicator values as predictors of fine-root trait variations. Journal of Ecology 108: 1565-1577. [Plateforme TE]
Fromin N, Shihan A, Santonja M, Baldy V, Hättenschwiler S (2020) Soil microbial activity in a Mediterranean garrigue responds more to changing shrub community than to reduced rainfall. Plant and Soil 449: 405-421. [Plateforme TE & Plateforme PACE]
Mahaut L, Fort F, Violle C, Freschet GT (2020) Multiple facets of diversity effects on plant productivity: species richness, functional diversity, species identity and intraspecific competition. Functional Ecology 34 (1): 287–298. [Plateforme PACE]
Galès A, Triplet S, Geoffroy T, Roques C, Carré C, Le Floc’h E, Lanfranchi M, Simier M, Roque d’Orbcastel E, Przybyla C, Fouilland E (2020) Control of the pH for marine microalgae polycultures: A key point for CO2 fixation improvement in intensive cultures. Journal of CO2 Utilization 38: 187-193. [Plateforme Microbex]
Ganem G, Dufour CMS, Avenant NL, Caminade P, Eiseb SJ, Tougard C, Pillay N (2020) An update on the distribution and diversification of Rhabdomys sp. (Muridae, Rodentia). Journal of Vertebrate Biology 69 (2): 20013.1-17. [Plateforme Genseq & Plateforme MBB]
García de Jalón L, Limousin J-M, Richard F, Gessler A, Peter M, Hättenschwiler S, Milcu A (2020) Microhabitat and ectomycorrhizal effects on the establishment, growth and survival of Quercus ilex L. seedlings under drought. Plos One 15 (6): e0229807. [Plateforme TE]
Gavinet J, Ourcival JM, Gauzere J, García de Jalón L, Limousin JM (2020) Drought mitigation by thinning: Benefits from the stem to the stand along 15 years of experimental rainfall exclusion in a holm oak coppice. Forest Ecology and Management 473: 118266. [Plateforme TE]
Gazaix A, Klesczewski M, Bouchet MA, Cartereau M, Molina J, Michaud H, Muller SD, Pirsoul L, Gauthier P, Grillas P, Thompson JD (2020a) A history of discoveries and disappearances of the rare annual plant Lythrum thesioides M.Bieb.: new insights into its ecology and biology. Botany Letters 167: 201-211. [Plateforme TE]
Gazaix A, Mazarc S, Veredd S (2020b) Lythrum netofa (Lythraceae) a new species from a temporary flooded plain of Israel. Phytotaxa 437: 47-50. [Plateforme TE]
Gil-Fernández A, Saunders PA, Martín-Ruiz M, Ribagorda M, López-Jiménez P, Jeffries DL, Parra MT, Viera A, Rufas JS, Perrin N, Veyrunes F, Page J (2020) Meiosis reveals the early steps in the evolution of a neo-XY sex chromosome pair in the African pygmy mouse Mus minutoides. PLOS Genetics 16 (11): e1008959. [Plateforme Cytogénomique]
Gillespie LM, Fromin N, Milcu A, Buatois B, Pontoizeau C, Hättenschwiler S (2020) Higher tree diversity increases soil microbial resistance to drought. Communications Biology 3 (1): 377. [Plateforme PACE]
Gomes Rodrigues H, Tabuce R, Asher RJ, Hautier L (2020) Developmental origins and homologies of the hyracoid dentition. Evolution & Development 22: 323-335. [Plateforme Microtomographie RX]
Hadjadji I, Laabir M, Frihi H, Collos Y, Shao ZJ, Berrebi P, Abadie E, Amzil Z, Chomérat N, Rolland JL, Rieuvilleneuve F, Masseret E (2020) Unsuspected intraspecific variability in the toxin production, growth and morphology of the dinoflagellate Alexandrium pacificum R.W. Litaker (Group IV) blooming in a South Western Mediterranean marine ecosystem, Annaba Bay (Algeria). Toxicon 180: 79-88. [Plateforme Microbex]
Imai Y, Biot M, Clément JAJ, Teragaki M, Urbach S, Robert T, Baudat F, Grey C, de Massy B (2020) PRDM9 activity depends on HELLS and promotes local 5- hydroxymethylcytosine enrichment. eLife 9: e57117. [Plateforme Epigénomique]
Jaonalison H, Durand JD, Mahafina J, Demarcq H, Lagarde R, Ponton D (2020) Spatial and interannual variability of presettlement tropical fish assemblages explained by remote sensing oceanic conditions. Marine Biodiversity 50 (4): 52. [Plateforme GenSeq]
Joffard N, Arnal V, Buatois B, Schatz B, Montgelard C, Dafni A (2020a) Floral scent evolution in the section Pseudophrys: pollinator‐mediated selection or phylogenetic constraints? Plant Biology 22 (5): 881-889. [Plateforme PACE]
Joffard N, Le Roncé I, Langlois A, Renoult J, Buatois B, Dormont L, Schatz B (2020b) Floral trait differentiation in Anacamptis coriophora: phenotypic selection on scents, but not on colour. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 33: 1028-1038. [Plateforme TE & Plateforme PACE]
Joly F-X, Coq S, Coulis M, David J-F, Hättenschwiler S, Mueller CW, Prater I, Subke J-A (2020) Detritivore conversion of litter into faeces accelerates organic matter turnover. Communications Biology 3 (1): 660. [Plateforme TE & Plateforme PACE]
Jourdain E, Karoliussen R, de Vos J, Zakharov SE, Tougard C (2020) Killer whales (Orcinus orca) feeding on lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) in northern Norway. Marine Mammal Science 36 (1): 89-102. [Plateforme GenSeq]
Kokolo B, Attéké Nkoulémbéné C, Ibrahim B, M'Batchi B, Blatrix R (2020) Phenotypic plasticity in size of ant-domatia. Scientific Reports 10: 20948. [Plateforme TE]
Laroche L, Ravel S, Baldet T, Lancelot R, Chandre F, Rossignol M, Le Goff V, Duhayon M, Fafet JF, Parker AG, Bouyer J (2020) Boosting the sterile insect technique with pyriproxyfen increases tsetse flies Glossina palpalis gambiensis sterilization in controlled conditions. Scientific Reports 10 (1): 9947. [Vectopole]
Le Roncé I, Toïgo M, Dardevet E, Venner S, Limousin J-M, Chuine I (2020) Resource manipulation through experimental defoliation has legacy effects on allocation to reproductive and vegetative organs in Quercus ilex. Annals of Botany 126 (7): 1165- 1179. [Plateforme TE & Plateforme PACE]
Le Verger K, Hautier L, Bardin J, Gerber S, Delsuc F, Billet G (2020) Ontogenetic and static allometry in the skull and cranial units of nine-banded armadillos (Cingulata: Dasypodidae: Dasypus novemcinctus). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 131: 673-698. [Plateforme Microtomographie RX]
Lenormand T, Fyon F, Sun E, Roze D (2020) Sex chromosome degeneration by regulatory evolution. Current Biology 30: 3001-3006. [Plateforme MBB]
Madrieres S, Tatard C, Murri S, Vulin J, Galan M, Piry S, Pulido C, Loiseau A, Artige E, Benoit L, Lemenager N, Lakhdar L, Charbonnel N, Marianneau P, Castel G (2020) How bank vole-PUUV interactions influence the eco-evolutionary processes driving Nephropathia Epidemica epidemiology - an experimental and genomic approach. Pathogens 9 (10): 789. [Plateforme GenSeq]
Mahaut L, Fort F, Violle C, Freschet GT (2020) Multiple facets of diversity effects on plant productivity: species richness, functional diversity, species identity and intraspecific competition. Functional Ecology 34 (1): 287–298. [Plateforme PACE]
Mallil K, Justy F, Rueness EK, Dufour S, Totis T, Bloch C, Baarman J, Amroun M, Gaubert P (2020) Population genetics of the African wolf (Canis lupaster) across its range: first evidence of hybridization with domestic dogs in Africa. Mammalian Biology 100 (6): 645-658. [Plateforme ADN dégradé & Plateforme GenSeq]
Manel S, Guerin P-E, Mouillot D, Blanchet S, Velez L, Albouy C, Pellissier L (2020) Global determinants of freshwater and marine fish genetic diversity. Nature Communications 11 (1): 692. [Plateforme MBB]
Marivaux L, Aguirre-Diaz W, Benites-Palomino A, Billet G, Boivin M, Pujos F, Salas- Gismondi R, Tejada-Lara JV, Varas-Malca RM, Antoine PO (2020a) New record of Neosaimiri (Cebidae, Platyrrhini) from the late Middle Miocene of Peruvian Amazonia. Journal of Human Evolution 146: 102835. [Plateforme Microtomographie RX]
Marivaux L, Salas-Gismondi R, Antoine P-O (2020b) 3D models related to the publication: New record of Neosaimiri (Cebidae, Platyrrhini) from the late Middle Miocene of Peruvian Amazonia. MorphoMuseuM 6: e119. [Plateforme Microtomographie RX]
Marivaux L, Velez-Juarbe J, Antoine P-O (2020c) 3D models related to the publication: Early Oligocene chinchilloid caviomorphs from Puerto Rico and the initial rodent colonization of the West Indies. MorphoMuseuM 6: e127. [Plateforme Microtomographie RX]
Marivaux L, Vélez-Juarbe J, Merzeraud G, Pujos F, Viñola López LW, Boivin M, Santos- Mercado H, Cruz EJ, Grajales A, Padilla J, Vélez-Rosado KI, Philippon M, Léticée JL, Münch P, Antoine PO (2020d) Early Oligocene chinchilloid caviomorphs from Puerto Rico and the initial rodent colonization of the West Indies. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 287 (1920): 20192806. [Plateforme Microtomographie RX]
Marques JP, Seixas FA, Farelo L, Callahan CM, Good JM, Montgomery WI, Reid N, Alves PC, Boursot P, Melo-Ferreira J (2020) An annotated draft genome of the mountain hare (Lepus timidus). Genome Biology and Evolution 12 (1): 3656-3662. [Plateforme MBB]
Marques R, Bonnet D, Carré C, Roques C, Darnaude AM (2020b) Trophic ecology of a blooming jellyfish (Aurelia coerulea) in a Mediterranean coastal lagoon. Limnology and Oceanography 66 (1): 141-157. [Plateforme Microbex]
Martinez Q, Clavel J, Esselstyn JA, Achmadi AS, Grohé C, Pirot N, Fabre PH (2020) Convergent evolution of olfactory and thermoregulatory capacities in small amphibious mammals. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 117: 8958-8965. [Plateforme Microtomographie RX]
Merino-Martín L, Griffiths RI, Gweon HS, Furget-Bretagnon C, Oliver A, Mao Z, Le Bissonnais Y, Stokes A (2020) Rhizosphere bacteria are more strongly related to plant root traits than fungi in temperate montane forests: insights from closed and open forest patches along an elevational gradient. Plant and Soil 450: 183-200. [Plateforme TE]
Moreaux V, Longdoz B, Berveiller D, Delpierre N, Dufrêne E, Bonnefond J-M, Chipeaux C, Joffre R, Limousin J-M, Ourcival J-M, Klumpp K, Darsonville O, Brut A, Tallec T, Ceschia E, Panthou G, Loustau D (2020) Environmental control of land-atmosphere CO2 fluxes from temperate ecosystems: a statistical approach based on homogenized time series from five land-use types. Tellus B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology 72 (1): 1-25. [Plateforme TE]
North HL, Caminade P, Severac D, Belkhir K, Smadja CM (2020) The role of copy-number variation in the reinforcement of sexual isolation between the two European subspecies of the house mouse. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 375 (1806): 20190540. [Plateforme MBB]
Nurhayu W, Nila S, Widayati KA, Rianti P, Suryobroto B, Raymond M (2020) Handedness heritability in industrialized and nonindustrialized societies. Heredity 124 (2): 313-324. [Plateforme MBB]
Oelze VM, Percher AM, Nsi Akoué G, El Ksabi N, Willaume E, Charpentier MJE (2020) Seasonality and interindividual variation in mandrill feeding ecology revealed by stable isotope analyses of hair and blood. American Journal of Primatology 82 (12): e23206. [Plateforme PACE]
Orliac MJ, Orliac C, Orliac MC, Hautin A (2020) A delphinid petrosal bone from a gravesite on Ahu Tahai, Easter Island: taxonomic attribution, external and internal morphology. MorphoMuseuM 6: e91. [Plateforme Microtomographie RX]
Paradis E (2020) Modelling transition in land cover highlights forest losses and gains in Southeast Asia. Biodiversity and Conservation 29 (8): 2539-2551. [Plateforme MBB]
Perrin A, Gosselin-Grenet A-S, Rossignol M, Ginibre C, Scheid B, Lagneau C, Chandre F, Baldet T, Ogliastro M, Bouyer J (2020) Variation in the susceptibility of urban Aedes mosquitoes infected with a densovirus. Scientific Reports 10 (1): 18654. [Vectopole]
Pringault O, Bouvy M, Carre C, Fouilland E, Meddeb M, Mejri K, Leboulanger C, Sakka Hlaili A (2020) Impacts of chemical contamination on bacterio-phytoplankton coupling. Chemosphere 257: 127165. [Plateforme Microbex]
Proffit M, Lapeyre B, Buatois B, Deng XX, Arnal P, Gouzerh F, Carrasco D, Hossaert- McKey M (2020) Chemical signal is in the blend: bases of plant-pollinator encounter in a highly specialized interaction. Scientific Reports 10: 10071. [Plateforme PACE]
Quéméré E, Rossi S, Petit E, Marchand P, Merlet J, Game Y, Galan M, Gilot-Fromont E (2020) Genetic epidemiology of the Alpine ibex reservoir of persistent and virulent brucellosis outbreak. Scientific Reports 10 (1): 4400. [Plateforme GenSeq]
Ranoarisoa MP, Trap J, Pablo A-L, Dezette D, Plassard C (2020) Micro-food web interactions involving bacteria, nematodes, and mycorrhiza enhance tree P nutrition in a high P-sorbing soil amended with phytate. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 143: 107728. [Plateforme Eco Trop]
Rescan M, Grulois D, Ortega-Aboud E, Chevin L-M (2020) Phenotypic memory drives population growth and extinction risk in a noisy environment. Nature Ecology & Evolution 4: 193–201. [Plateforme GenSeq]
Robino E, Poirier AC, Amraoui H, Le Bissonnais S, Perret A, Lopez-Joven C, Auguet JC, Rubio TP, Cazevieille C, Rolland JL, Hechard Y, Destoumieux-Garzon D, Charriere GM (sous presse) Resistance of the oyster pathogen Vibrio tasmaniensis LGP32 against grazing by Vannella sp. marine amoeba involves Vsm and CopA virulence factors. Environmental Microbiology: in press [Plateforme GenSeq]
Rodrigues L, Sprafke T, Bokatola Moyikola C, Barthès BG, Bertrand I, Comptour M, Rostain S, Yoka J, McKey D (2020) A Congo Basin ethnographic analogue of pre-Columbian Amazonian raised fields shows the ephemeral legacy of organic matter management. Scientific Reports 10 (1): 10851. [Plateforme Eco Trop]
Roques C, Grousset E, Troussellier M, Hermet S, Le Carrer J, Sar C, Caro A (2020) A trade- off between mucocytes and bacteriocytes in Loripes orbiculatus gills (Bivalvia, Lucinidae): a mixotrophic adaptation to seasonality and reproductive status in a symbiotic species? Marine Biology 167 (10): [Plateforme Microbex]
Rossi LMW, Mao Z, Merino-Martín L, Roumet C, Fort F, Taugourdeau O, Boukcim H, Fourtier S, Del Rey-Granado M, Chevallier T, Cardinael R, Fromin N, Stokes A (2020) Pathways to persistence: plant root traits alter carbon accumulation in different soil carbon pools. Plant and Soil 452 (1-2): 457-478. [Plateforme PACE]
Roy L, Taudière A, Papaïx J, Blatrix R, Chiron G, Zriki G, Bonato O, Barnagaud JY (2020) Evaluating the link between predation and pest control services in the mite world. Ecology and Evolution 10 (18): 9968-9980. [Plateforme PACE & Plateforme TE]
Salomón RL, Steppe K, Ourcival J-M, Villers S, Rodríguez-Calcerrada J, Schapman R, Limousin J-M (2020) Hydraulic acclimation in a Mediterranean oak subjected to permanent throughfall exclusion results in increased stem hydraulic capacitance. Plant, Cell and Environment 43: 1528-1544. [Plateforme TE]
Santonja M, Rodriguez-Perez H, Le Bris N, Piscart C (sous presse) Leaf nutrients and macroinvertebrates control litter mixing effects on decomposition in temperate streams. Ecosystems: sous presse. [Plateforme PACE]
Sauvadet M, Saj S, Freschet GT, Essobo JD, Enock S, Becquer T, Tixier P, Harmand JM, Magrach A (2020) Cocoa agroforest multifunctionality and soil fertility explained by shade tree litter traits. Journal of Applied Ecology 57 (3): 476-487. [Plateforme Eco Trop]
Segrestin J, Navas M-L, Garnier E (2020) Reproductive phenology as a dimension of the phenotypic space in 139 plant species from the Mediterranean. New Phytologist 225: 740-753. [Plateforme TE]
Shihan A, Volaire F, Hättenschwiler S (2020) Neighbor identity affects growth and survival of Mediterranean plants under recurrent drought. Oecologia 194: 555-569. [Plateforme TE]
Sholihah A, Delrieu-Trottin E, Sukmono T, Dahruddin H, Risdawati R, Elvyra R, Wibowo A, Kustiati K, Busson F, Sauri S, Nurhaman U, Dounias E, Zein MSA, Fitriana Y, Utama IV, Muchlisin ZA, Agnèse J-F, Hanner R, Wowor D, Steinke D, Keith P, Rüber L, Hubert N (2020) Disentangling the taxonomy of the subfamily Rasborinae (Cypriniformes, Danionidae) in Sundaland using DNA barcodes. Scientific Reports 10 (1): 2818. [Plateforme GenSeq]
Simon A, Arbiol C, Nielsen EE, Couteau J, Sussarellu R, Burgeot T, Bernard I, Coolen JWP, Lamy J-B, Robert S, Skazina M, Strelkov P, Queiroga H, Cancio I, Welch JJ, Viard F, Bierne N (2020) Replicated anthropogenic hybridisations reveal parallel patterns of admixture in marine mussels. Evolutionary Applications 13 (3): 575–599. [Plateformes GenSeq & Plateforme MBB]
Stojanova B, Maurice S, Cheptou P-O (2020) Season-dependent effect of cleistogamy in Lamium amplexicaule: flower type origin versus inbreeding status. American Journal of Botany 107 (1): 155-163. [Plateforme TE]
Tabuce R, Sarr R, Adnet S, Lebrun R, Lihoreau F, Martin JE, Sambou B, Thiam M, Hautier L (sous presse) Filling a gap in the proboscidean fossil record: a new genus from the Lutetian of Senegal. Journal of Paleontology: sous presse. [Plateforme Microtomographie RX]
Vezy R, le Maire G, Christina M, Georgiou S, Imbach P, Hidalgo HG, Alfaro EJ, Blitz-Frayret C, Charbonnier F, Lehner P, Loustau D, Roupsard O (2020) DynACof: A process-based model to study growth, yield and ecosystem services of coffee agroforestry systems. Environmental Modelling & Software 124: 104609. [Plateforme MBB]
Volaire F, Morvan-Bertrand A, Prud'homme M-P, Benot M-L, Augusti A, Zwicke M, Roy J, Landais D, Picon-Cochard C (sous presse) The resilience of perennial grasses under two climate scenarios is correlated with carbohydrate metabolism in meristems. Journal of Experimental Botany: sous presse. [Plateforme TE]
Publications Plateforme 2019
Altinli M, Lequime S, Courcelle M, Francois S, Justy F, Gosselin-Grenet AS, Ogliastro M, Weill M, Sicard M (2019a) Evolution and phylogeography of Culex pipiens densovirus. Virus Evolution 5 (2): vez053. [Plateforme GenSeq]
Altinli M, Soms J, Ravallec M, Justy F, Bonneau M, Weill M, Gosselin-Grenet AS, Sicard M (2019b) Sharing cells with Wolbachia: the transovarian vertical transmission of Culex pipiens densovirus. Environmental Microbiology 21 (9): 3284-3298. [Plateforme q-PCR haut débit]
Augusto RdC, Cosseau C, Grunau C (2019) Histone methylome of the human parasite Schistosoma mansoni In: Jurga S, Barciszewski J (eds) The DNA, RNA, and Histone Methylomes. Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp 607-624. [Plateforme Epigénomique]
Aumeeruddy-Thomas Y, Hmimsa Y (2019) Fig and olive domestication in the Rif, northern Morocco: entangled human and tree lives and history. In: Stépanoff C, Vigne J-D (eds) Hybrid communities: biosocial approaches to domestication and other trans-species relationships. Routledge, Abingdon, UK, pp 179-196. [Plateforme TE]
Aupic-Samain A, Baldy V, Lecareux C, Fernandez C, Santonja M (2019) Tree litter identity and predator density control prey and predator demographic parameters in a Mediterranean litter-based multi-trophic system. Pedobiologia 73: 1–9. [Plateforme PACE]
Baudat F, de Massy B, Veyrunes F (2019) Sex chromosome quadrivalents in oocytes of the African pygmy mouse Mus minutoides that harbors non-conventional sex chromosomes. Chromosoma 128 (3): 397-411. [Plateforme Cytogénomique]
Binetruy F, Dupraz M, Buysse M, Duron O (2019) Surface sterilization methods impact measures of internal microbial diversity in ticks. Parasites & Vectors 12 (1): 268. [Plateforme GenSeq]
Blondeau-Bidet E, Hiroi J, Lorin-Nebel C (2019) Ion uptake pathways in European sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax. Gene 692: 126-137. [Plateforme q-PCR haut débit]
Bonneau M, Caputo B, Ligier A, Caparros R, Unal S, Perriat-Sanguinet M, Arnoldi D, Sicard M, Weill M (2019) Variation in Wolbachia cidB gene, but not cidA, is associated with cytoplasmic incompatibility mod phenotype diversity in Culex pipiens. Molecular Ecology 28 (21): 4725-4736. [Plateforme GenSeq]
Bourgarel M, Noël V, Pfukenyi D, Michaux J, André A, Becquart P, Cerqueira F, Barrachina C, Boué V, Talignani L, Matope G, Missé D, Morand S, Liégeois F (2019) Next-generation sequencing on insectivorous bat guano: an accurate tool to identify arthropod viruses of potential agricultural concern. Viruses 11 (12): 1102. [Plateforme GenSeq]
Bourgeois B, Munoz F, Fried G, Mahaut L, Armengot L, Denelle P, Storkey J, Gaba S, Violle C (2019) What makes a weed a weed? A large-scale evaluation of arable weeds through a functional lens. American Journal of Botany 106: 90-100. [Plateforme TE]
Bristiel P, Roumet C, Violle C, Volaire F, 434: (2019) Coping with drought: root trait variability within the perennial grass Dactylis glomerata captures a trade-off between dehydration avoidance and dehydration tolerance. Plant and Soil 434: 327-342. [Plateformes TE & PACE]
Caro SP, Cornil CA, van Oers K, Visser ME (2019) Personality and gonadal development as sources of individual variation in response to GnRH challenge in female great tits. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, Biological Sciences 286 (1902): 20190142. [Plateforme TE]
Chao L, Liu YY, Freschet GT, Zhang WD, Yu X, Zheng WH, Guan X, Yang QP, Chen LC, Dijkstra FA, Wang SL (2019) Litter carbon and nutrient chemistry control the magnitude of soil priming effect. Functional Ecology 33: 876-888. [Plateforme TE]
Charbonnel N, Galan M, Tatard C, Loiseau A, Diagne CA, Dalecky A, Parrinello H, Rialle S, Severac D, Brouat C (2019) Differential immune gene expression associated with contemporary range expansion of two invasive rodents in Senegal. PCI Ecology bioRxiv 442160, ver 4: peer-reviewed and recommended by PCI Ecology. [Plateforme GenSeq]
Corse E, Tougard C, Archambaud-Suard G, Agnese JF, Messu Mandeng FD, Bilong Bilong CF, Duneau D, Zinger L, Chappaz R, Xu CCY, Meglecz E, Dubut V (2019) One-locus-several-primers: A strategy to improve the taxonomic and haplotypic coverage in diet metabarcoding studies. Ecology and Evolution 9 (8): 4603-4620. [Plateforme ADN dégradé]
Courcelle M, Tilak MK, Leite YLR, Douzery EJP, Fabre PH (2019) Digging for the spiny rat and hutia phylogeny using a gene capture approach, with the description of a new mammal subfamily. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 136: 241-253. [Plateforme MBB]
Debiais-Thibaud M, Simion P, Venteo S, Munoz D, Marcellini S, Mazan S, Haitina T (2019) Skeletal mineralization in association with type X collagen expression is an ancestral feature for jawed vertebrates. Molecular Biology and Evolution 36 (10): 2265-2276. [Plateforme MBB]
Desoutter A, Yusuf Solieman O, Subsol G, Fages M, Cuisinier F (2019) Method to approximate intra oral scanner noise and resolution. Lasers in Dentistry XXV, vol 10857. SPIE. doi:10.1117/12.2509460 [Plateforme Microtomographie RX]
Dubart M, Pantel JH, Pointier JP, Jarne P, David P (2019) Modeling competition, niche, and coexistence between an invasive and a native species in a two-species metapopulation. Ecology 100 (6): e02700. [Plateforme MBB]
Dukic M, Berner D, Haag CR, Ebert D (2019) How clonal are clones? A quest for loss of heterozygosity during asexual reproduction in Daphnia magna. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 32: 619-628. [Plateforme TE]
Errouissi F, Jay-Robert P (2019) Consequences of habitat change in euromediterranean landscapes on the composition and diversity of dung beetle assemblages (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea). Journal of Insect Conservation 23: 15-28. [Plateforme TE]
Eugenia Nunez-Valdez M, Lanois A, Pages S, Duvic B, Gaudriault S (2019) Inhibition of Spodoptera frugiperda phenoloxidase activity by the products of the Xenorhabdus rhabduscin gene cluster. PLoS One 14 (2): e0212809. [Plateforme q-PCR haut débit]
Faivre B, Bellenger J, Rieu A, Guivier E, Galan M, Ollivier A, Poloni L, Sorci G (2019) Disentangling the effect of host genetics and gut microbiota on resistance to an intestinal parasite. International Journal of Parasitology 49 (11): 873-883. [Plateforme GenSeq]
Ferreira-Cardoso S, Delsuc F, Hautier L (2019) Evolutionary tinkering of the mandibular canal linked to convergent regression of teeth in placental mammals. Current Biology 29 (3): 468-475. [Plateforme Microtomographie RX]
Fontès H, Gazaix A, Papuga G (2019) Heterogeneous forest structures favor persistence of the grassland Mediterranean geophyte Gagea lacaitae. Botany Letters 166 (4): 487–498. [Plateforme PACE]
François S, Mutuel D, Duncan A, Rodrigues L, Danzelle C, Lefevre S, Santos I, Frayssinet M, Fernandez E, Filloux D, Roumagnac P, Froissart R, Ogliastro M (2019) A new prevalent Densovirus discovered in Acari. Insight from metagenomics in viral communities associated with two-spotted mite (Tetranychus urticae) populations. Viruses 11 (3): 233. [Plateforme q-PCR haut débit]
Galkowski C, Aubert C, Blatrix R (2019) Aphaenogaster ichnusa santschi, 1925, bona species, and redescription of Aphaenogaster subterranea (Latreille, 1798) (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Sociobiology 66: 420-425. [Plateforme TE]
Garba M, Loiseau A, Tatard C, Benoit L, Gauthier N (2019) Patterns and drivers of genetic diversity and structure in the biological control parasitoid Habrobracon hebetor in Niger. Bulletin of Entomological Research 109 (6): 794-811. [Plateforme GenSeq]
Garnier E, Vile D, Roumet C, Lavorel S, Grigulis K, Navas M-L, Lloret F (2019) Inter- and intra-specific trait shifts among sites differing in drought conditions at the north western edge of the Mediterranean Region. Flora 254: 147-160. [Plateforme TE]
Gaubert P, Justy F, Mo G, Aguilar A, Danyer E, Borrell A, Dendrinos P, Öztürk B, Improta R, Tonay AM, Karamanlidis AA (2019) Insights from 180 years of mitochondrial variability in the endangered Mediterranean monk seal (Monachus monachus). Marine Mammal Science 35 (4): 1489-1511. [Plateforme ADN dégradé]
Gauthier P, Bernard C, Thompson JD (2019a) Exploring vulnerability of listed Mediterranean plants in relation to risks of population loss. Journal for Nature Conservation 51: 125736. [Plateforme TE]
Gauthier P, Pons V, Fisogni A, Murru V, Berjano R, Dessena S, Maccioni A, Chelo C, de Manincor N, Doncieux A, Papuga G, Thompson JD (2019b) Assessing vulnerability of listed Mediterranean plants based on population monitoring. Journal for Nature Conservation 52: 125758. [Plateforme TE]
Gavinet J, Ourcival J-M, Limousin J-M (2019) Rainfall exclusion and thinning can alter the relationships between forest functioning and drought. New Phytologist 223: 1267-1279. [Plateforme TE]
Geoffroy F, Baumard N, Andre JB (2019) Why cooperation is not running away. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 32 (10): 1069-1081. [Plateforme MBB]
Giska I, Farelo L, Pimenta J, Seixas FA, Ferreira MS, Marques JP, Miranda I, Letty J, Jenny H, Hacklander K, Magnussen E, Melo-Ferreira J (2019) Introgression drives repeated evolution of winter coat color polymorphism in hares. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 116 (48): 24150-24156. [Plateforme MBB]
Godefroy N, Le Goff E, Martinand-Mari C, Belkhir K, Vacelet J, Baghdiguian S (2019) Sponge digestive system diversity and evolution: filter feeding to carnivory. Cell Tissue Research 377 (3): 341-351. [Plateforme MBB]
Hima K, Granjon L, Gauthier P, Ndiaye A, Brouat C, Dobigny G (2019) Population dynamics and genetics of Gerbillus nigeriae in Central Sahel: implications for rodent pest control. Ecology and Evolutionary Biology 4 (4): 45-54. [Plateforme GenSeq]
Houssaye A, Herrel A, Boistel R, Rage JC (2019) Adaptation of the vertebral inner structure to an aquatic life in snakes: Pachyophiid peculiarities in comparison to extant and extinct forms. Comptes Rendus - Palevol 18: 783-799. [Plateforme Microtomographie RX]
Juhel AS, Barbu CM, Valantin-Morison M, Gauffre B, Leblois R, Olivares J, Franck P (2019) Limited genetic structure and demographic expansion of the Brassicogethes aeneus populations in France and in Europe. Pest Management Science 75 (3): 667-675. [Plateforme MBB]
Kazakou E, Vasseur F, Sartori K, Baron E, Rowe N, Vile D (2019) Secondary metabolites have more influence than morpho-physiological traits on litter decomposability across genotypes of Arabidopsis thaliana. New Phytologist 224: 1532-1543. [Plateforme TE]
Kjaer L, Skov V, Andersen MT, Aggerholm A, Clair P, Gniot M, Soeby K, Udby L, Dorff MH, Hasselbalch H, Pallisgaard N (2019) Variant-specific discrepancy when quantitating BCR-ABL1 e13a2 and e14a2 transcripts using the Europe Against Cancer qPCR assay. European Journal of Haematology 103 (1): 26-34. [Plateforme q-PCR haut débit]
Klafack S, Fiston-Lavier AS, Bergmann SM, Hammoumi S, Schroder L, Fuchs W, Lusiastuti A, Lee PY, Heredia SV, Master student c, Gosselin-Grenet AS, Avarre JC (2019) Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 evolves in vitro through an assemblage of haplotypes that alternatively become dominant or under-represented. Viruses 11 (8): E754. [Plateformes GenSeq & MBB & q-PCR haut débit]
Kokolo B, Atteke C, Mintsa BAE, Ibrahim B, McKey D, Blatrix R (2019) Congeneric mutualist ant symbionts (Tetraponera, Pseudomyrmecinae) differ in level of protection of their myrmecophyte hosts (Barteria, Passifloraceae). Journal of Tropical Ecology 35: 255-259. [Plateforme TE]
Leclaire S, Chatelain M, Pessato A, Buatois B, Frantz A, Gasparini J (2019) Pigeon odor varies with experimental exposure to trace metal pollution. Ecotoxicology 28 (1): 76-85. [Plateforme PACE]
Marivaux L, Salas-Gismondi R, Antoine P-O (2019) 3D model related to the publication: A platyrrhine talus from the early Miocene of Peru (Amazonian Madre de Dios Sub-Andean Zone). MorphoMuseuM 5: e85. [Plateforme Microtomographie RX]
Mártin-Robles N, Morente-López J, Freschet GT, Poorter H, Roumet C, Milla R (2019) Root traits of herbaceous crops: pre-adaptation to cultivation or evolution under domestication? Functional Ecology 33: 273-285. [Plateforme TE]
Miralles A, Raymond M, Lecointre G (2019) Empathy and compassion toward other species decrease with evolutionary divergence time. Scientific Reports 9 (1): 19555. [Plateforme MBB]
Molinier C, Reisser CMO, Fields PD, Segard A, Galimov Y, Haag CR (2019) Evolution of gene expression during a transition from environmental to genetic sex determination. Molecular Biology and Evolution 36 (7): 1551-1564. [Plateformes GenSeq & MBB]
Mourlam M, Orliac MJ (2019a) 3D models related to the publication: Early Evolution of the Ossicular Chain in Cetacea: Into the Middle Ear Gears of a Semi-Aquatic Protocetid Whale. MorphoMuseuM 5: e94. [Plateforme Microtomographie RX]
Mourlam MJ, Orliac MJ (2019b) Early evolution of the ossicular chain in Cetacea: Into the middle ear gears of a semi-aquatic protocetid whale. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 286: 1912. [Plateforme Microtomographie RX]
Papuga G, Filigheddu R, Gauthier P, Farris E (2019) Variation in floral morphology in a hybrid complex of Cyclamen in Sardinia. Plant Ecology and Diversity 12 (1): 51-61. [Plateforme TE]
Perrin W, Jay-Robert P, Buatois B, Tatin L (2019) A comparative analysis of dung beetle assemblages (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae, Aphodiinae) attracted to sheep and little bustard excrement in Southern France. The Coleopterists Bulletin 73 (1): 185–192. [Plateforme PACE]
Pinharanda A, Rousselle M, Martin SH, Hanly JJ, Davey JW, Kumar S, Galtier N, Jiggins CD (2019) Sexually dimorphic gene expression and transcriptome evolution provide mixed evidence for a fast-Z effect in Heliconius. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 32 (3): 194-204. [Plateforme MBB]
Portanier E, Garel M, Devillard S, Maillard D, Poissant J, Galan M, Benabed S, Poirel MT, Duhayer J, Itty C, Bourgoin G (2019) Both candidate gene and neutral genetic diversity correlate with parasite resistance in female Mediterranean mouflon. BMC Ecology 19: 12. [Plateforme GenSeq]
Santonja M, Milcu A, Fromin N, Rancon A, Shihan A, Fernandez C, Baldy V, Hättenschwiler S (2019) Temporal shifts in plant diversity effects on carbon and nitrogen dynamics during litter decomposition in a Mediterranean shrubland exposed to reduced precipitation. Ecosystems 22 (5): 939-954. [Plateforme PACE]
Scornavacca C, Belkhir K, Lopez J, Dernat R, Delsuc F, Douzery EJP, Ranwez V (2019) OrthoMaM v10: scaling-up orthologous coding sequence and exon alignments with more than one hundred mammalian genomes. Molecular Biology and Evolution 36 (4): 861-862. [Plateforme MBB]
Souquet L, Chevret P, Ganem G, Auffray J-C, Ledevin R, Agret S, Hautier L, Renaud S (2019) Back to the wild: does feralization affect the mandible of non-commensal house mice ( Mus musculus domesticus)? Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 126: 471-486. [Plateforme Microtomographie RX]
Sow A, Brevault T, Benoit L, Chapuis MP, Galan M, Coeur d'acier A, Delvare G, Sembene M, Haran J (2019) Deciphering host-parasitoid interactions and parasitism rates of crop pests using DNA metabarcoding. Scientific Reports 9 (1): 3646. [Plateforme GenSeq]
Tabuce R, Sarr R, Hautier L (2019) 3D model related to the publication: Filling a gap in the proboscidean fossil record: a new genus from the Lutetian of Senegal. MorphoMuseuM 5: e104. [Plateforme Microtomographie RX]
Thompson JD, Amiot J, Borron C, Linhart YB, Keeefover-Ring K, Gauthier P (2019) Spatial heterogeneity of gall formation in relation to chemotype distribution in Thymus vulgaris. Plant Ecology 220: 777-788. [Plateforme TE]
Tonnabel J, David P, Klein EK, Pannell JR (2019a) Sex-specific selection on plant architecture through "budget" and "direct" effects in experimental populations of the wind-pollinated herb, Mercurialis annua. Evolution 73: 897-912. [Plateforme TE]
Tonnabel J, David P, Pannell JR (2019b) Do metrics of sexual selection conform to Bateman's principles in a wind-pollinated plant? Proceedings of the Royal Society B, Biological Sciences 286 (1905): 20190532. [Plateforme TE]
Tournayre O, Pons J-B, Leuchtmann M, Leblois R, Piry S, Filippi-Codaccioni O, Loiseau A, Duhayer J, Garin I, Mathews F, Puechmaille S, Charbonnel N, Pontier D (2019) Integrating population genetics to define conservation units from the core to the edge of Rhinolophus ferrumequinum Western range. Ecology and Evolution 9 (21): 12272-12290. [Plateformes GenSeq & MBB]
Vasseur F, Fouqueau L, de Vienne D, Nidelet T, Violle C, Weigel D (2019) Nonlinear phenotypic variation uncovers the emergence of heterosis in Arabidopsis thaliana. PLoS Biology 17 (4): e3000214. [Plateforme TE]
Visconti V, Eychenne M, Darboux I (2019) Modulation of antiviral immunity by the ichnovirus HdIV in Spodoptera frugiperda. Molecular Immunology 108: 89-101. [Plateforme q-PCR haut débit]
Wierucka K, Barthes N, Harcourt R, Schaal B, Charrier I, Pitcher BJ (2019a) Chemical fingerprints suggest direct familiarisation rather than phenotype matching during olfactory recognition in Australian sea lions (Neophoca cinerea). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 517: 49-53. [Plateformes MBB & PACE]
Wierucka K, Barthes N, Pitcher BJ, Schaal B, Charrier I, Harcourt RG (2019b) Chemical profiles of integumentary and glandular substrates in Australian sea lion pups (Neophoca cinerea). Chemical Senses 44 (3): 205-214. [Plateformes MBB & PACE]
Publications Plateformes 2018
Alvarez-Flores R, Anh NTT, Peredo-Parada S, Joffre R, Winkel T (2018) Rooting plasticity in wild and cultivated Andean Chenopodium species under soil water deficit. Plant and Soil 425 (1-2): 479-492. [Plateforme TE]
Anselmetti Y, Duchemin W, Tannier E, Chauve C, Bérard S (2018) Phylogenetic signal from rearrangements in 18 Anopheles species by joint scaffolding extant and ancestral genomes. BMC Genomics 19 (2): 96. [Plateforme MBB]
Assogba BS, Alout H, Koffi A, Penetier C, Djogbenou LS, Makoundou P, Weill M, Labbe P (2018) Adaptive deletion in resistance gene duplications in the malaria vector Anopheles gambiae. Evolutionary Applications 11 (8): 1245-1256. [Plateforme GenSeq]
Balachowski JA, Volaire FA (2018) Implications of plant functional traits and drought survival strategies for ecological restoration. Journal of Applied Ecology 55 (2): 631-640. [Plateforme TE]
Beloni T, Santos PM, Rovadoscki GA, Balachowski J, Volaire F (2018) Large variability in drought survival among Urochloa spp. cultivars. Grass and Forage Science 73 (4): 947-957. [Plateforme TE]
Bidu C, Escoula Q, Bellenger S, Spor A, Galan M, Geissler A, Bouchot A, Dardevet D, Morio-Liondor B, Cani PD, Lagrost L, Narce M, Bellenger J (2018) The transplantation of omega 3 PUFA-altered gut microbiota of fat-1 mice to wild-type littermates prevents obesity and associated metabolic disorders. Diabetes 67 (8): 1512-1523. [Plateforme GenSeq]
Boivin M, Orliac MJ, Telles Antunes M, Godinot M, Laurent Y, Marandat B, Vidalenc D, Tabuce R (2018) New material of Diacodexis (Mammalia, Artiodactyla) from the early Eocene of Southern Europe. Geobios 51: 285-306. [Plateforme Microtomographie RX]
Bonneau M, Atyame C, Beji M, Justy F, Cohen-Gonsaud M, Sicard M, Weill M (2018a) Culex pipiens crossing type diversity is governed by an amplified and polymorphic operon of Wolbachia. Nature Communications 9 (1): 319. [Plateforme GenSeq]
Bonneau M, Landmann F, Labbe P, Justy F, Weill M, Sicard M (2018b) The cellular phenotype of cytoplasmic incompatibility in Culex pipiens in the light of cidB diversity. Plos Pathogens 14 (10): e1007364. [Plateforme GenSeq]
Bristiel P, Gillespie L, Østrem L, Balachowski J, Violle C, Volaire F (2018a) Experimental evaluation of the robustness of the growth--stress tolerance trade-off within the perennial grass Dactylis glomerata. Functional Ecology 32 (8): 1944-1958. [Plateformes PACE & TE]
Bristiel P, Roumet C, Violle C, Volaire F (2018b) Coping with drought: root trait variability within the perennial grass Dactylis glomerata captures a trade-off between dehydration avoidance and dehydration tolerance. Plant and Soil 434 (1-2): 327-342. [Plateforme PACE]
Bumb I, Garnier E, Coq S, Nahmani J, Granado MD, Gimenez O, Kazakou E (2018) Traits determining the digestibility- decomposability relationships in species from Mediterranean rangelands. Annals of Botany 121 (3): 459-469. [Plateformes PACE & TE]
Bykova O, Limousin JM, Ourcival JM, Chuine I (2018) Water deficit disrupts male gametophyte development in Quercus ilex. Plant Biology 20 (3): 450-455. [Plateforme TE]
Cailleau A, Grimanelli D, Blanchet E, Cheptou PO, Lenormand T (2018) Dividing a maternal pie among half-sibs: genetic conflicts and the control of resource allocation to seeds in maize. American Naturalist 192 (5): 577-592. [Plateforme TE]
Cardinael R, Guenet B, Chevallier T, Dupraz C, Cozzi T, Chenu C (2018) High organic inputs explain shallow and deep SOC storage in a long-term agroforestry system - combining experimental and modeling approaches. Biogeosciences 15 (1): 297-317. [Plateforme EcoTrop]
Chassaing O, Desse-Berset N, Hanni C, Hughes S, Berrebi P (2018) Microsatellite diversity of a critically endangered sturgeon, Acipenser sturio L. 1758, assessed from museum and archaeological tissue remains. Journal of Biogeography 45 (5): 1043-1053. [Plateforme GenSeq]
Coleman RA, Gauffre B, Pavlova A, Beheregaray LB, Kearns J, Lyon J, Sasaki M, Leblois R, Sgro C, Sunnucks P (2018) Artificial barriers prevent genetic recovery of small isolated populations of a low-mobility freshwater fish. Heredity 120 (6): 515-532. [Plateforme MBB]
Collet A, Durand JD, Desmarais E, Cerqueira F, Cantinelli T, Valade P, Ponton D (2018) DNA barcoding post-larvae can improve the knowledge about fish biodiversity: an example from La Reunion, SW Indian Ocean. Mitochondrial DNA Part A 29 (6): 905-918. [Plateforme GenSeq]
Coq S, Nahmani J, Resmond R, Segrestin J, David J-F, Schevin P, Kazakou E (2018) Intraspecific variation in litter palatability to macroarthropods in response to grazing and soil fertility. Functional Ecology 32 (11): 2615-2624. [Plateformes PACE & TE]
de Lorgeril J, Escoubas JM, Loubiere V, Pernet F, Le Gall P, Vergnes A, Aujoulat F, Jeannot JL, Jumas-Bilak E, Got P, Gueguen Y, Destoumieux-Garzon D, Bachere E (2018a) Inefficient immune response is associated with microbial permissiveness in juvenile oysters affected by mass mortalities on field. Fish Shellfish Immunology 77: 156-163. [Plateforme q-PCR haut débit]
de Lorgeril J, Lucasson A, Petton B, Toulza E, Montagnani C, Clerissi C, Vidal-Dupiol J, Chaparro C, Galinier R, Escoubas JM, Haffner P, Degremont L, Charriere GM, Lafont M, Delort A, Vergnes A, Chiarello M, Faury N, Rubio T, Leroy MA, Perignon A, Regler D, Morga B, Alunno-Bruscia M, Boudry P, Le Roux F, Destoumieux-Garzon D, Gueguen Y, Mitta G (2018b) Immune-suppression by OsHV-1 viral infection causes fatal bacteraemia in Pacific oysters. Nature Communications 9 (1): 4215. [Plateformes GenSeq & q-PCR haut débit]
Debiais-Thibaud M (2018) The evolution of endoskeletal mineralisation in chondrichthyan fish. Evolution and Development of Fishes. Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/9781316832172.007 [Plateforme Microtomographie RX]
Debussche M, Debussche G (2018) Distribution, écologie et devenir de la Pivoine officinale (Paeonia officinalis subsp. microcarpa Nyman) dans le Massif central. Annales de la Société d'Horticulture et d'Histoire Naturelle de l'Hérault 157: 4-30. [Plateforme TE]
Delsuc F, Philippe H, Tsagkogeorga G, Simion P, Tilak M-K, Turon X, López-Legentil S, Piette J, Lemaire P, Douzery EJP (2018) A phylogenomic framework and timescale for comparative studies of tunicates. BMC Biology 16 (1): 39. [Plateforme MBB]
Dos Santos U-J, De Medeiros EV, Duda GP, Marques MC, de Souza ES, Brossard M, Hammecker C (2018) Land use changes the soil carbon stocks, microbial biomass and fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) in Brazilian semiarid area. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 65 (6): 755-769. [Plateforme EcoTrop]
Dubois A, Castel G, Murri S, Pulido C, Pons JB, Benoit L, Loiseau A, Lakhdar L, Galan M, Marianneau P, Charbonnel N (2018) Bank vole immunoheterogeneity may limit Nephropatia Epidemica emergence in a French non-endemic region. Parasitology 145 (3): 393-407. [Plateforme GenSeq]
Elumeeva TG, Onipchenko VG, Cornelissen JHC, Semenova GV, Perevedentseva LG, Freschet GT, van Logtestijn RSP, Soudzilovskaia NA (2018) Is intensity of plant root mycorrhizal colonization a good proxy for plant growth rate, dominance and decomposition in nutrient poor conditions? Journal of Vegetation Science 29 (4): 715-725. [Plateforme TE]
Enault S, Munoz D, Simion P, Venteo S, Sire JY, Marcellini S, Debiais-Thibaud M (2018) Evolution of dental tissue mineralization: an analysis of the jawed vertebrate SPARC and SPARC-L families. BMC Evolutionary Biology 18 (1): 127. [Plateformes GenSeq & MBB]
Erktan A, Roumet C, Bouchet D, Stokes A, Pailler F, Munoz F (2018) Two dimensions define the variation of fine root traits across plant communities under the joint influence of ecological succession and annual mowing. Journal of Ecology 106 (5): 2031-2042. [Plateforme PACE]
Fabre P-H, Reeve AH, Fitriana YS, Aplin KP, Helgen KM (2018a) A new species of Halmaheramys (Rodentia: Muridae) from Bisa and Obi Islands (North Maluku Province, Indonesia). Journal of Mammalogy 99 (1): 187-208. [Plateforme Microtomographie RX]
Fabre P-H, Tilak M-K, Denys C, Gaubert P, Nicolas V, Douzery E, Marivaux L (2018b) Flightless scaly-tailed squirrels never learned how to fly: a reappraisal of Anumaloridae phylogeny. Zoologica Scripta 47: 404-417. [Plateforme ADN dégradé]
Fons F, Froissard D, Morel S, Bessière J-M, Buatois B, Sol V, Fruchier A, Rapior S (2018) Pteridaceae fragrant resource and bioactive potential: a minireview of aroma compounds. Natural Product Communications 13 (5): 651-655. [Plateforme PACE]
Freschet GT, Violle C, Bourget MY, Scherer-Lorenzen M, Fort F (2018) Allocation, morphology, physiology, architecture: the multiple facets of plant above- and below-ground responses to resource stress. New Phytologist 219 (4): 1338-1352. [Plateforme TE]
Fujisaki K, Chevallier T, Chapuis-Lardy L, Albrecht A, Razafimbelo T, Masse D, Ndour YB, Chotte J-L (2018) Soil carbon stock changes in tropical croplands are mainly driven by carbon inputs: A synthesis. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 259: 147-158. [Plateforme EcoTrop]
Gabirot M, Buatois B, Müller CT, Bonadonna F (2018) Odour of King Penguin feathers analysed using direct thermal desorption discriminates between individuals but not sexes. Ibis 160 (2): 379-389. [Plateforme PACE]
Galan M, Pons JB, Tournayre O, Pierre E, Leuchtmann M, Pontier D, Charbonnel N (2018) Metabarcoding for the parallel identification of several hundred predators and their prey: Application to bat species diet analysis. Molecular Ecology Resources 18 (3): 474-489. [Plateforme GenSeq]
Galtier N, Roux C, Rousselle M, Romiguier J, Figuet E, Glemin S, Bierne N, Duret L (2018) Codon usage bias in animals: disentangling the effects of natural selection, effective population size, and GC-biased gene conversion. Molecular Biology and Evolution 35 (5): 1092-1103. [Plateforme MBB]
Garnier E, Fayolle A, Navas ML, Damgaard C, Cruz P, Hubert D, Richarte J, Autran P, Leurent C, Violle C (2018) Plant demographic and functional responses to management intensification: A long-term study in a Mediterranean rangeland. Journal of Ecology 106 (4): 1363-1376. [Plateformes PACE & TE]
Gaubert P, Antunes A, Meng H, Miao L, Peigné S, Justy F, Njiokou F, Dufour S, Danquah E, Alahakoon J, Verheyen E, Stanley WT, O’Brien SJ, Johnson WE, Luo S-J (2018) The complete phylogeny of pangolins: scaling up resources for the molecular tracing of the most trafficked mammals on Earth. Journal of Heredity 109 (4): 347-359. [Plateformes GenSeq & ADN dégradé]
Ginot S, Claude J, Hautier L (2018a) 3D models related to the publication: One skull to rule them all? Descriptive and comparative anatomy of the masticatory apparatus in five mice species based on traditional and digital dissections. MorphoMuseuM 4: e65. [Plateforme Microtomographie RX]
Ginot S, Claude J, Hautier L (2018b) One skull to rule them all? Descriptive and comparative anatomy of the masticatory apparatus in five mouse species. Journal of Morphology 279: 1234-1255. [Plateforme Microtomographie RX]
Ginot S, Herrel A, Claude J, Hautier L (2018c) Skull Size and Biomechanics are Good Estimators of In Vivo Bite Force in Murid Rodents. The Anatomical Record 301: 256-266. [Plateforme Microtomographie RX]
Gschloessl B, Dorkeld F, Berges H, Beydon G, Bouchez O, Branco M, Bretaudeau A, Burban C, Dubois E, Gauthier P, Lhuillier E, Nichols J, Nidelet S, Rocha S, Sauné L, Streiff R, Gautier M, Kerdelhué C (2018) Draft genome and reference transcriptomic resources for the urticating pine defoliator Thaumetopoea pityocampa (Lepidoptera: Notodontidae). Molecular Ecology Resources 18 (3): 602-619. [Plateformes GenSeq & Cytogénomique]
Hautier L, Oliver JD, Pierce SE (2018) An overview of Xenarthran developmental studies with a focus on the development of the xenarthrous vertebrae. Journal of Mammalian Evolution 25 (4): 507-523. [Plateforme Microtomographie RX]
Hou S-L, Freschet GT, Yang J-J, Zhang Y-H, Yin J-X, Hu Y-Y, Wei H-W, Han X-G, Lu X-T (2018) Quantifying the indirect effects of nitrogen deposition on grassland litter chemical traits. Biogeochemistry 139 (3): 261-273. [Plateforme TE]
Huot H, Cortet J, Watteau F, Milano V, Nahmani J, Sirguey C, Schwartz C, Morel JL (2018) Diversity and activity of soil fauna in an industrial settling pond managed by natural attenuation. Applied Soil Ecology 132: 34-44. [Plateforme TE]
Ibouroi M, Cheha A, Arnal V, Lagadec E, Tortosa P, Le Minter G, Dhurham S, Montgelard C, Besnard A (2018) The contrasting genetic patterns of two sympatric flying fox species from the Comoros and the implications for conservation. Conservation Genetics 19: 1425-1437. [Plateforme ADN dégradé]
Joly F-X, Coq S, Coulis M, Nahmani J, Hättenschwiler S (2018) Litter conversion into detritivore faeces reshuffles the quality control over C and N dynamics during decomposition. Functional Ecology 32 (11): 2605-2614. [Plateforme PACE]
Joly F-X, Coulis M (2018) Comparison of cellulose vs. plastic cigarette filter decomposition under distinct disposal environments. Waste Management 72: 349-353. [Plateforme PACE]
Kaci G, Blavet D, Benlahrech S, Kouakoua E, Couderc P, Deleporte P, Desclaux D, Latati M, Pansu M, Drevon JJ, Ounane SM (2018) The effect of intercropping on the efficiency of faba bean - rhizobial symbiosis and durum wheat soil-nitrogen acquisition in a Mediterranean agroecosystem. Plant Soil and Environment 64 (3): 138-146. [Plateforme EcoTrop]
Lambrecht M, Caro S (2018) Experimental manipulation of photoperiod and temperature does not influence nest size in Blue and Great tits. The Auk 135: 218-227. [Plateforme TE]
Landré A, Saby NPA, Barthès BG, Ratié C, Guerin A, Etayo A, Minasny B, Bardy M, Meunier JD, Cornu S (2018) Prediction of total silicon concentrations in French soils using pedotransfer functions from mid-infrared spectrum and pedological attributes. Geoderma 331: 70-80. [Plateforme EcoTrop]
Le Bissonnais Y, Prieto I, Roumet C, Nespoulous J, Metayer J, Huon S, Villatoro M, Stokes A (2018) Soil aggregate stability in Mediterranean and tropical agro-ecosystems: effect of plant roots and soil characteristics. Plant and Soil 424 (1-2): 303-317. [Plateforme PACE]
Leblois R, Gautier M, Rohfritsch A, Foucaud J, Burban C, Galan M, Loiseau A, Sauné L, Branco M, Gharbi K, Vitalis R, Kerdelhué C (2018) Deciphering the demographic history of allochronic differentiation in the pine processionary moth Thaumetopoea pityocampa. Molecular Ecology 27 (1): 264-278. [Plateforme MBB]
Leclaire S, Chatelain M, Pessato A, Buatois B, Frantz A, Gasparini J (2018) Pigeon odor varies with experimental exposure to trace metal pollution. Ecotoxicology 28 (1): 76-85. [Plateforme PACE]
Leitwein M, Gagnaire PA, Desmarais E, Berrebi P, Guinand B (2018) Genomic consequences of a recent three-way admixture in supplemented wild brown trout populations revealed by local ancestry tracts. Molecular Ecology 27 (17): 3466-3483. [Plateformes GenSeq & MBB]
Lopez-Joven C, Rolland JL, Haffner P, Caro A, Roques C, Carre C, Travers MA, Abadie E, Laabir M, Bonnet D, Destoumieux-Garzon D (2018) Oyster farming, temperature, and plankton influence the dynamics of pathogenic vibrios in the Thau lagoon. Front Microbiol 9: 2530. [Plateforme q-PCR haut débit]
Louvrier J, Duchamp C, Lauret V, Marboutin E, Cubaynes S, Choquet R, Miquel C, Gimenez O (2018) Mapping and explaining wolf recolonization in France using dynamic occupancy models and opportunistic data. Ecography 40 (4): 647-660. [Plateforme MBB]
Majeed MZ, Miambi E, Barois I, Bernoux M, Brauman A (2018) Characterization of N2O emissions and associated microbial communities from the ant mounds in soils of a humid tropical rainforest. Folia Microbiologica 63 (3): 381-389. [Plateforme EcoTrop]
Marivaux L, Lebrun R, Tabuce R (2018) 3D models related to the publication: Djebelemur, a tiny pre-tooth-combed primate from the Eocene of Tunisia: a glimpse into the origin of crown strepsirhines. MorphoMuseuM 4: e77. [Plateforme Microtomographie RX]
Martinez Q, Lebrun R, Achmadi AS, Esselstyn JA, Evans AR, Heaney LR, Miguez RP, Rowe KC, Fabre P-H (2018) Convergent evolution of an extreme dietary specialisation, the olfactory system of worm-eating rodents. Scientific Reports 8: 17806. [Plateforme Microtomographie RX]
Meignan P, Binet A, Cook AR, Lardy H, Captier G (2018) Fetal median sacral artery anatomy study by micro-CT imaging. Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy 40: 735-741. [Plateforme Microtomographie RX]
Messier J, Violle C, Enquist BJ, Lechowicz MJ, McGill BJ (2018) Similarities and differences in intrapopulation trait correlations of co-occurring tree species: consistent water-use relationships amid widely different correlation patterns. American Journal of Botany 105 (9): 1477-1490. [Plateforme TE]
Milcu A, Puga-Freitas R, Ellison AM, Blouin M, Scheu S, Freschet GT, Rose L, Barot S, Cesarz S, Eisenhauer N, Girin T, Assandri D, Bonkowski M, Buchmann N, Butenschoen O, Devidal S, Gleixner G, Gessler A, Gigon A, Greiner A, Grignani C, Hansart A, Kayler Z, Lange M, Lata J-C, Le Galliard J-F, Lukac M, Mannerheim N, Müller MEH, Pando A, Rotter P, Scherer-Lorenzen M, Seyhun R, Urban-Mead K, Weigelt A, Zavattaro L, Roy J (2018) Genotypic variability enhances the reproducibility of an ecological study. Nature Ecology & Evolution 56: 958. [Plateforme PACE]
Milesi P, Assogba BS, Atyame CM, Pocquet N, Berthomieu A, Unal S, Makoundou P, Weill M, Labbe P (2018) The evolutionary fate of heterogeneous gene duplications: A precarious overdominant equilibrium between environment, sublethality and complementation. Molecular Ecology 27 (2): 493-507. [Plateforme GenSeq]
Mollion M, Ehlers BK, Figuet E, Santoni S, Lenormand T, Maurice S, Galtier N, Bataillon T (2018) Patterns of genome-wide nucleotide diversity in the gynodioecious plant Thymus vulgaris are compatible with recent sweeps of cytoplasmic genes. Genome Biology and Evolution 10 (1): 239-248. [Plateformes MBB & TE]
Montazeaud G, Violle C, Fréville H, Luquet D, Ahmadi N, Courois B, Bouhaba I, Fort F (2018) Crop mixtures: does niche complementarity hold for belowground resources? An experimental test using rice genotypic pairs. Plant and Soil 424 (1–2): 187–202. [Plateformes PACE & TE]
Mourlam MJ, Orliac MJ (2018) Protocetid (Cetacea, Artiodactyla) bullae and petrosals from the middle Eocene locality of Kpogamé, Togo: new insights into the early history of cetacean hearing. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology 16 (8): 621–644. [Plateforme Microtomographie RX]
Mulatier M, Ahoua Alou LP, Chandre F, Pennetier C, Dormont L, Cohuet A (2018a) Effect of DEET-multiple exposures on behavior and life history traits in the malaria mosquito Anopheles gambiae (s.s.). Parasites & Vectors 11 (1): 432. [Plateforme Vectopole]
Mulatier M, Porciani A, Nadalin L, Ahoua Alou LP, Chandre F, Pennetier C, Dormont L, Cohuet A (2018b) DEET efficacy increases with age in the vector mosquitoes Anopheles gambiae s.s. and Aedes albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae). Journal of Medical Entomology 55 (6): 1542-1548. [Plateformes Vectopole & PACE]
Orliac M, Boivin M, Tabuce R (2018) A mandible of Diacodexis cf. gigasei (Artiodactyla, Diacodexeidae) from the Early Eocene locality of Palette (Bouches-du-Rhône, France). MorphoMuseuM 4: e60. [Plateforme Microtomographie RX]
Papuga G, Gauthier P, Pons V, Farris E, Thompson JD (2018) Ecological niche differentiation in peripheral populations: a comparative analysis of eleven Mediterranean plant species. Ecography 41 (10): 1650-1664. [Plateformes PACE & TE]
Paradis E (2018) Analysis of haplotype networks: the randomized minimum spanning tree method. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 9 (5): 1308-1317. [Plateforme MBB]
Peerawat M, Trap J, Chevallier T, Alonso P, Gay F, Thaler P, Spor A, Sebag D, Choosai C, Suvannang N, Sajjaphan K, Brauman A (2018) Rubber plantation ageing controls soil biodiversity after land conversion from cassava. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 257: 92-102. [Plateforme EcoTrop]
Perez RPA, Dauzat J, Pallas B, Lamour J, Verley P, Caliman J-P, Costes E, Faivre R (2018) Designing oil palm architectural ideotypes for optimal light interception and carbon assimilation through a sensitivity analysis of leaf traits. Annals of Botany 121 (5): 909-926. [Plateforme MBB]
Perrot‐Minnot MJ, Špakulová M, Wattier R, Kotlík P, Düşen S, Aydoğdu A, Tougard C (2018) Contrasting phylogeography of two Western Palaearctic fish parasites despite similar life cycles. Journal of Biogeography 45 (1): 101-115. [Plateformes GenSeq & MBB]
Petsopoulos D, Leblois R, Sauné L, İpekdal K, Aravanopoulos FA, Kerdelhué C, Avtzis DN (2018) Crossing the Mid-Aegean Trench: vicariant evolution of the Eastern pine processionary moth, Thaumetopoea wilkinsoni (Lepidoptera: Notodontidae), in Crete. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 124 (2): 228-236. [Plateforme GenSeq]
Plassard C (2018) Lack of phosphorus reserves and remobilization in grey poplar (Populus x canescens): an exception among deciduous tree species? Tree Physiology 38 (1): 1-5. [Plateforme EcoTrop]
Poirier V, Roumet C, Angers DA, Munson AD (2018a) Species and root traits impact on macroaggregation in the rhizospheric soil of a Mediterranean common garden experiment. Plant and Soil 424 (1-2): 289-302. [Plateformes PACE & TE]
Poirier V, Roumet C, Munson AD (2018b) The root of the matter: Linking root traits and soil organic matter stabilization processes. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 120: 246-259. [Plateforme TE]
Prieto I, Querejeta J, Segrestin J, Volaire F, Roumet C (2018) Leaf carbon and oxygen isotopes are coordinated with the leaf economics spectrum in Mediterranean rangeland species. Functional Ecology 32 (3): 612-625. [Plateformes PACE & TE]
Proffit M, Bessière J-M, Schatz B, Hossaert-McKey M (2018) Can fine-scale post-pollination variation of fig volatile compounds explain some steps of the temporal succession of fig wasps associated with Ficus racemosa? Acta Oecologica 90: 81-90. [Plateformes PACE & TE]
Prunier JG, Dubut V, Loot G, Tudesque L, Blanchet S (2018) The relative contribution of river network structure and anthropogenic stressors to spatial patterns of genetic diversity in two freshwater fishes: A multiple-stressors approach. Freshwater Biology 63 (1): 6-21. [Plateforme GenSeq]
Quéméré E, Gaillard JM, Galan M, Vanpe C, David I, Pellerin M, Kjellander P, Hewison AJM, Pemberton JM (2018) Between-population differences in the genetic and maternal components of body mass in roe deer. BMC Evolutionary Biology 18 (1): 39. [Plateforme GenSeq]
Ranwez V, Douzery EJP, Cambon C, Chantret N, Delsuc F (2018) MACSE v2: Toolkit for the Alignment of Coding Sequences Accounting for Frameshifts and Stop Codons. Molecular Biology and Evolution 35 (10): 2582-2584. [Plateforme MBB]
Rohfritsch A, Galan M, Gautier M, Gharbi K, Olsson G, Gschloessl B, Zeimes C, VanWambeke S, Vitalis R, Charbonnel N (2018) Preliminary insights into the genetics of bank vole tolerance to Puumala hantavirus in Sweden. Ecology and Evolution 8 (22): 11273-11292. [Plateforme GenSeq]
Rousselle M, Mollion M, Nabholz B, Bataillon T, Galtier N (2018) Overestimation of the adaptive substitution rate in fluctuating populations. Biology Letters 14 (5): 2018.0055. [Plateforme MBB]
Rousset F, Beeravolu CR, Leblois R (2018) Likelihood computation and inference of demographic and mutational parameters from population genetic data under coalescent approximations. Journal de la Société Française de Statistique 159 (3): 142-166. [Plateforme MBB]
Sadoul B, Alfonso S, Bessa E, Bouchareb A, Blondeau-Bidet E, Clair P, Chatain B, Begout ML, Geffroy B (2018) Enhanced brain expression of genes related to cell proliferation and neural differentiation is associated with cortisol receptor expression in fishes. Gen Comp Endocrinol 267: 76-81. [Plateforme q-PCR haut débit]
Sakolrak B, Blatrix Rs, Sangwanit U, Arnamnart N, Noisripoom W, Thanakitpipattana D, Buatois B, Hossaert-McKey M, Kobmoo N (2018) Ant-produced chemicals are not responsible for the specificity of their Ophiocordyceps fungal pathogens. Fungal Ecology 32: 80-86. [Plateforme PACE]
Saumitou-Laprade P, Vernet P, Dowkiw A, Bertrand S, Billiard S, Albert B, Gouyon P-H, Dufay M (2018) Polygamy or subdioecy? The impact of diallelic self-incompatibility on the sexual system in Fraxinus excelsior (Oleaceae). Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 285 (1873): [Plateforme TE]
Sauvadet M, Lashermes G, Alavoine G, Recous S, Chauvat M, Maron P-A, Bertrand I (2018) High carbon use efficiency and low priming effect promote soil C stabilization under reduced tillage. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 123: 64-73. [Plateforme EcoTrop]
Simion P, Belkhir K, François C, Veyssier J, Rink JC, Manuel M, Philippe H, Telford MJ (2018) A software tool 'CroCo' detects pervasive cross-species contamination in next generation sequencing data. BMC Biology 16 (1): 28. [Plateforme MBB]
Sochat V (2018) The Scientific Filesystem. Gigascience 7 (5): giy023. [Plateforme MBB]
Soler CCL, Schatz B, Bessière J-M, Hossaert-McKey M (2018) Geographic variation of fruit scents in a dispersion mutualism, the case of Ficus lutea. Acta Oecologica 90: 46-48. [Plateformes PACE & TE]
Sow A, Brevault T, Delvare G, Haran J, Benoit L, d'Acier AC, Galan M, Thiaw C, Soti V, Sembene M (2018) DNA sequencing to help identify crop pests and their natural enemies in agro-ecosystems: The case of the millet head miner Heliocheilus albipunctella (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in sub-Saharan Africa. Biological Control 121: 199-207. [Plateforme GenSeq]
Teixeira SP, Costa MFB, Basso-Alves JP, Kjellberg F, Pereira RAS (2018) Morphological diversity and function of the stigma in Ficus species (Moraceae). Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology 90: 117-131. [Plateforme TE]
Thompson JD, Gauthier P, Papuga G, Pons V, Debussche M, Farris E (2018) The conservation significance of natural hybridisation in Mediterranean plants: from a case study on Cyclamen (Primulaceae) to a general perspective. Plant Biology 20: 128-138. [Plateforme TE]
Thybert D, Roller M, Navarro FCP, Fiddes I, Streeter I, Feig C, Martin-Galvez D, Kolmogorov M, Janousek V, Akanni W, Aken B, Aldridge S, Chakrapani V, Chow W, Clarke L, Cummins C, Doran A, Dunn M, Goodstadt L, Howe K, Howell M, Josselin AA, Karn RC, Laukaitis CM, Jingtao L, Martin F, Muffato M, Nachtweide S, Quail MA, Sisu C, Stanke M, Stefflova K, Van Oosterhout C, Veyrunes F, Ward B, Yang F, Yazdanifar G, Zadissa A, Adams DJ, Brazma A, Gerstein M, Paten B, Pham S, Keane TM, Odom DT, Flicek P (2018) Repeat associated mechanisms of genome evolution and function revealed by the Mus caroli and Mus pahari genomes. Genome Research 28 (4): 448-459. [Plateforme Cytogénomique]
Tilak MK, Botero-Castro F, Galtier N, Nabholz B (2018) Illumina Library Preparation for Sequencing the GC-Rich Fraction of Heterogeneous Genomic DNA. Genome Biology and Evolution 10 (2): 616-622. [Plateformes MBB & q-PCR haut débit]
Tougard C, Justy F, Guinand B, Douzery EJP, Berrebi P (2018) Salmo macrostigma (Teleostei, Salmonidae): nothing more than a brown trout (S. trutta) lineage? Journal of Fish Biology 93: 302-310. [Plateformes GenSeq & ADN dégradé & MBB]
Tribot A-S, Carabeux Q, Deter J, Claverie T, Villéger S, Mouquet N (2018) Confronting species aesthetics with ecological functions in coral reef fish. Scientific Reports 8 (1): 11733. [Plateforme MBB]
Vasseur F, Exposito-Alonso M, Ayala-Garay OJ, Wang G, Enquist BJ, Vile D, Violle C, Weigel D (2018a) Adaptive diversification of growth allometry in the plant Arabidopsis thaliana. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 115: 3416-3421. [Plateforme TE]
Vasseur F, Sartori K, Baron E, Fort F, Kazakou E, Segrestin J, Garnier E, Vile D, Violle C (2018b) Climate as a driver of adaptive variations in ecological strategies in Arabidopsis thaliana. Annals of Botany 122 (6): 935-945. [Plateforme TE]
Veyrunes F, Perez J (2018) X inactivation in a mammal species with three sex chromosomes. Chromosoma 127: 261-267. [Plateforme Cytogénomique]
Vezy R, Christina M, Roupsard O, Nouvellon Y, Duursma R, Medlyn B, Soma M, Charbonnier F, Blitz-Frayret C, Stape J-L, Laclau J-P, de Melo Virginio Filho E, Bonnefond J-M, Rapidel B, Do FC, Rocheteau A, Picart D, Borgonovo C, Loustau D, le Maire G (2018) Measuring and modelling energy partitioning in canopies of varying complexity using MAESPA model. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 253-254: 203-217. [Plateforme MBB]
Wang Y, Mao Z, Bakker MR, Kim JH, Brancheriau Lc, Buatois B, Leclerc R, Selli L, Rey H, Jourdan C, others (2018) Linking conifer root growth and production to soil temperature and carbon supply in temperate forests. Plant and Soil 426 (1-2): 33-50. [Plateforme PACE]
Warneys R, Gaucher M, Robert P, Aligon S, Anton S, Aubourg S, Barthes N, Braud F, Cournol R, Gadenne C, Heintz C, Brisset M-N, Degrave A (2018) Acibenzolar-S-Methyl Reprograms Apple Transcriptome Toward Resistance to Rosy Apple Aphid. Frontiers in Plant Science 9: 1795-1795. [Plateforme PACE]
Publications Plateformes 2017
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