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Vendredi, 29 Septembre, 2023

Vendredi, 13 Septembre, 2024
Conférence Olivieri: Sex chromosomes and speciation 14:30 - Amphi 23.01 site Fac de sciences

thomas lenormand

Centre d'Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Evolutive - Montpellier


Link to seminar:

Vendredi, 20 Septembre, 2024
Sex, pregnancy & immune defence 11:30 - Online only


Kiel Evolution Centre, Kiel University, Kiel, Germany


Par ex., 27/09/2024
Par ex., 27/09/2024
11juin 2021
Evolutionary impacts of cellular mistakes 11h30 - This seminar will be streamed live online

Deepa Agashe

National Centre for Biological Sciences, Bangalore, India

18juin 2021
Human herpesvirus genetic diversity and host adaptation 11h30 - This seminar will be streamed live online

Manuela Sironi

Bioinformatics - Scientific Institute IRCCS E.MEDEA

Bosisio-Parini, Italy


25juin 2021
Matters of scale in the ecology and evolution of biodiversity 16h00 - This seminar will be streamed live online

rachel Germain

Department of Zoology, Biodiversity Research Centre, 

University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada

02juil 2021
Good reasons to live shorter lives 11h30 - This seminar will be streamed live online

Louis Thaler Seminar: Hanna Kokko

University of Zurich, Switzerland

10sep 2021
Gene drives for population suppression of the malaria mosquito – where are we... 16h00 - This seminar will be streamed live online

Andrew Hammond

John Hopkins Malaria Research Institute

17sep 2021
The dynamics of underdominant alleles during species range expansions 11h30 - Hybrid seminar, online and onsite, conditions permitting

Kim Gilbert

University of Bern
Institute of Plant Sciences
Ecological Genomics
24sep 2021
From one to many: ecology and stochasticity in the evolution of drug resistance Hybrid seminar, online and at SC 23.01 (UM permitting)

Helen Alexander

University of Edinburgh
Institute of Evolutionary Biology
School of Biological Sciences
