RX Microtomography

The RX Microtomography facility is integrated into the Biocampus MRI platform. It can carry out non-destructive exploration of objects such as fossils or even living organisms by X-ray microtomography. This technology allows the three-dimensional study of density variations of an object, and its digital modelling. The use of this technique is expanding rapidly, particularly in biology, where it is used in bone tissue imaging.
The RX Microtomography facility consists of an in vivo scanner equipped with an anaesthesia device for live animals. The machine can acquire three-dimensional data on live animals the size of a mouse or rat at resolutions ranging from 9μm to 36μm. The microtomograph can also image non-living samples such as fossils or non-biological objects.
- 1 SkyScan 1076 microtomograph
- 2 analysis workstations
Potential users should contact the Montpellier RIO imaging platform. Access requires an account to be set up with the Biocampus.
Price: €33.50 ex VAT/ hour (public users), €96 ex VAT/ hour (private users).
To access the platform, please sign up on the MRI website.
Free training is provided. Once trained, users can reserve the microtomograph via the MRI website.
L'ensemble des documents est disponible aux utilisateurs inscrits sur MRI