The Montpellier Institute of Evolution Sciences (Institut des Sciences de l’Évolution de Montpellier) carries out research into the origin and dynamics of biodiversity, and the modalities and mechanisms of its evolution. Its research concerns both current and past biodiversity, and covers a wide range of organisms and environments, combining field, experimental and theoretical approaches. Research encompasses: (1) the acceleration of data production, and the capacity to understand the different structural and functional dimensions of living organisms (from the gene to the ecosystem), which underpin a global understanding of the evolutionary mechanisms at the origin of biodiversity; and (2) scientific and social issues regarding the responses of biodiversity (organisms and/ or communities) to global change, which suggest a change in evolutionary research towards more applied and/ or predictive aspects.
Themes: developmental biology and evolution, environment, evolution and community ecology, integrative genomics, human evolutionary biology, fish evolution, evolutionary genetics, metapopulations, ichthyological diversity and aquaculture, evolution and domestication of the Amazonian fish fauna, genomics of adaptation, palaeontology.