FUNDING OF SCIENTIFIC EVENTS 2020 - CLOSED (Colloquia, seminars, workshops, training, etc.)

The LabEx CeMEB supports the organization of scientific events (symposia, workshops, seminars, training), taking place in 2020. These events must be focused on one of CeMEB’s priority areas and the application must be made by (a) member(s) of a CeMEB unit.

CeMEB support concerns to 2 types of events:


Type a:

Prioritary: participation to organisation of colloquia, seminars, workshops, training, etc. which must target the scientific and/or technical personnel and being organized in Occitanie region. The events supported must concern a significant part of the CeMEB scientific community and offer added value with respect to past or already planned events. 


Type b:

Secondary: participation to national or international events, organized outside Occitanie region, with a strong political or media impact which will ensure a high level of visibility for CeMEB community and biodiversity researches. Punctual representation in international instances, actions of dissemination towards the general public, etc.


Allocations and funding arrangements

Funding is up to €3000 per event. CeMEB funding can take one or other of following modalities:

  • Modality 1 – Typical:

CeMEB directly covers some expenses linked to the organisation of the event. In this case, the organizers must send the estimate for the planned service/travels to, up to the amount allocated by the LabEx. The application file must precise the total amount requested, and specify the details of expenses that would be covered by CeMEB.

Eligible expenses: travel costs, reception costs, video…

For any other type of expenses, please contact to see if it is possible. An invoice without a purchase order issued by CeMEB will not be paid.

Please refer to the administrative procedure guide before establishing your budget (French only):

  • Modality 2 - Exceptionally:

Payment of a grant. This method requires authorisation from the University’s Board of Directors. Payment will be made within 4 to 5 months after the announcement of the results of the selection. Applicants are responsible for managing the grant awarded by CeMEB if the money cannot be paid before the date of the event.

Application schedule :





1–31 January 2020: submission of applications

1–29 February 2020: analysis, selection of applications and announcement of results

Events planned from early May 2020 (1)


1–31 May 2020: submission of applications

1–30 June 2020: analysis, selection of applications and announcement of results

Events planned from early September 2020 (1)

(1) Events must be planned between the date indicated in the table and the end of 2020 at the latest.

Application requirements

Applications (downloadable form) must come from one of CeMEB’s research units, be signed by the applicant and the director of this unit, and be sent as a single Word or PDF document to

For significant international events, please contact Sophie Boutin, Project Manager at CeMEB LabEx (

Please refer to the Guide of CeMEB (UM) administrative procedures while establishing your application: (French version)