FUNDING OF MOBILITY – IMMERSION FOR SCIENTIFIC OR TECHNICAL TRAINING 2020 - CLOSED (Technicians, engineers, PhD students, post-doc fellows)

As part of its training activities, CeMEB LabEx wishes to encourage the scientific or technical training of doctoral students, post-doctoral fellows, technicians or engineers in its units, by financing outgoing stays in France or abroad planned for 2020.

Funding is available for a short stay (up to two months) outside Montpellier, in a research laboratory or a non-academic partner (e.g. state, local or regional authority, association, private company) to acquire new skills (e.g. scientific, technical, organisational, developmental, training). The skills acquired must be relevant to the candidate’s background and the LabEx scientific community. The project must be validated by the applicant’s managers or supervisors and must go beyond the scope of continuing education in research organisations or higher education institutions. This scheme cannot be used to cover fieldwork costs in the framework of research projects.

Amounts allocated and financing arrangements

Funding is up to €3000 per request, including transport and accommodation costs. The funds will be fully managed by CeMEB (purchase orders and expenses, transport) according to current University of Montpellier rules.






1–31 January 2020: submission of applications

1–29 February 2020: analysis, selection of applications and announcement of results

Events planned from early May 2020 (1)


1–31 May 2020: submission of applications

1–30 June 2020: analysis, selection of applications and announcement of results

Events planned from early September 2020 (1)

(1) Events must be planned between the date indicated in the table and the end of 2020 at the latest.

Application requirements

Applications (downloadable form) must: (1) concern staff from one of CeMEB’s research units, (2) be signed by the applicant and the director of this unit, and (3) be sent as a single Word or PDF document to

Please refer to the Guide of CeMEB (UM) administrative procedures while establishing your application: (French version)