Adaptive genomics of plant-pest interactions: Insights from the apple-aphid system in a context of domestication

Génétique Quantitative et Évolution - Univ Paris Sud -
(Seminar in English)
Amandine’s research aims at unravelling the evolutionary forces underlying the adaptation of populations and the emergence of new species, using population genetics and genomics approaches combined with field experiments. She has studied both short and long evolutionary timescales (domestication and wild species divergence, respectively) to investigate the ecological factors and genomic processes underlying adaptation. Her research is now also moving toward the study of plant biotic interactions, which are fundamental to our understanding of biodiversity and adaptation; research over the past decades has indeed clearly demonstrated that interactions between species are major drivers of adaptive evolution. Amandine will present the main results of her past research on the apple domestication and the link with her starting project on the impact of apple domestication on the adaptation of a major apple aphid pest Dysaphis plantaginea (the rosy apple aphid) to the cultivated apple (Malus domestica).
Recent publications:
Besnard G., Terral J.F., Cornille A. (2017) On the origins and domestication of the olive: a review and perspectives. Annals of Botany. In press.
Cornille A., Salcedo A., Kryvokhyzha D., Holm K., Wright S., Lascoux M. (2016). Successful history of colonization of the worldwide tetraploid Capsella bursa-pastoris in Eurasia. Molecular Ecology 5: 616–629
Cornille A., Giraud T., Marinus J. M. Smulders, Isabel Roldàn-Ruiz, Gladieux P. The domestication and evolutionary ecology of apples (2014) Trends in Genetics doi:10.1016/j.tig.2013.10.002
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