Séminaire CBGP

Le 20 Octobre 2015
CBGP, grande salle de réunion, Montferrier-sur-Lez

séminaire UMR CBGP

An Overview of the Biocontrol Program Targeting
Asian Citrus Psyllid in California

par Mark Hoodle
[Biological control specialist at the University of California Riverside ; biocontrol of invasive insect pests of agricultural, urban, and wilderness areas (www.biocontrol.ucr.edu) ; Director for the Center for Invasive Species Research at UC Riverside (www. cisr.ucr.edu)]

Lundi 26 octobre 2015, à 10h30

Grande salle du CBGP
(nous localiser)


Abstract :  Asian citrus psyllid (ACP), Diaphorina citri, is an invasive pest that threatens the economic viability of the citrus industry in California (USA) because it vectors a bacterium that this the causative agent of lethal citrus disease, huanglongbing (HLB; also known as citrus greening). Classical biological control of ACP has focused on two species of parasitoid, Tamarixia radiata and Diaphorencyrtus aligarhensis, collected from Punjab Pakistan, with releases targeting pest populations in urban areas. HLB is being detected in increasing numbers of citrus trees in urban areas, but has not yet been found in commercial citrus production areas (ACP is being found with increasing frequency in orchards). This presentation will cover aspects of the biocontrol program, the biology of ACP and HLB, and their economic impacts. This talk may be timely and of interest to Mediterranean-based entomologists, as Trioza erytreae, a psyllid that spreads a related bacterium that causes "HLB-like" disease in citrus, has been detected in Spain and Portugal. 

Les annonces et diaporamas des exposés du CBGP se trouvent sur la page web du centre à la rubrique : "Séminaires du mardi". 
