Recent advances in the modeling of species distribution

Le 03 Novembre 2015
Amphi de la Délégation Régionale du CNRS- 1919 Route de Mende -

Recent advances in the modeling of species distribution

3 November 2015
Amphi de la Délégation Régionale du CNRS
1919 route de Mende, 34293 Montpellier
Free entrance



10h-10h30 Olivier Gimenez (Centre d’Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Evolutive, Montpellier, France) -
Accounting for imperfect detection when modeling species distribution
10h30-11h Lionel Roques, Samuel Soubeyrand, Julien Papaïx (INRA Avignon, France) -
Coupling SDM and observation processes via mechanistic-statistical modelling

11h-11h30 - Pause

11h30-12h Joseph Chipperfield (University of Trier, Trier, Germany) - Disentangling niche
concepts in species distribution modelling though the inclusion of observation processes and spatial
random effects
12h-12h30 Ian Renner (University of Newcastle, Callaghan, Australia) - Analysis of presence-only
data using Poisson point process

12h30-14h – Lunch break

14h-14h30 Joern Pagel (University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany) - Application of dynamic
species distribution models for the estimation of niches and range dynamics from multi-level data
14h30-15h Bob O’Hara (Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre, Frankfurt, Germany) - Let's
not be discrete with our SDMS

15h - Pause

15h30-16h Laura Pollock (Laboratoire d’Ecologie Alpine, Grenoble, France) - Can multispecies
distribution models tell us anything about competition and facilitation?
16h-16h30 Damaris Zurell (Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL, Birmensdorf, Switzerland) -
Benchmarking range dynamic models in virtual communities
16h30-17h Ending discussions


Pour venir : Tramway ligne 1 (bleu) direction Mosson, descendre arrêt StEloi puis
i) bus n°22 direction Clapier-Jacou descendre arrêt CNRS ou
ii) bus La Navette direction Agropolis Lavalette descendre arrêt Vert-Bois, traverser et monter à
pied la route de Mende.
Soutien financier : GDR Ecologie Statistique (

Olivier Gimenez
CNRS research scientist