Constraints on microevolution in birds: Role and stability of genetic covariances

Le 29 Janvier 2016
11h30 Salle Louis Thaler, ISEM (UM, Bât. 22, 2ème étage)

Celine Teplitsky

Centre d'Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Evolutive, Montpellier,
(in English)


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How to explain the absence of microevolution when directional selection is acting on abundant genetic variation? This evolutionary puzzle has several answers, one of them being that traits within an organism are not free to evolve independently, but form integrated units. In 10 wild bird populations, we investigated the prevalence and strength of the impact of genetic correlations (as summarized in the G matrix) on evolutionary trajectories and show that the genetic correlations between traits can slow down the rate of adaptation. However, the importance and predictability of such constraints will depend on their stability i .e. if genetic correlations are changing rapidly, the G matrix should not represent a strong constraint on evolutionary responses. We thus investigated the stability of the G matrix in the same wild bird populations and show stability of the G matrix for morphological traits in terms of size, shape and orientation.


Recent publications:

J. A. Mills, C. Teplitsky & al. (2015) Archiving primary data: solutions for long-term studies. Trends Ecol Evol. 30 (10), 581-589

S. Chantepie, A. Robert, […] & C. Teplitsky. (2015) Quantitative genetics of aging of reproductive traits in the houbara bustard. PLoS One 10(7):e0133140

Chargé R., Teplitsky C., Sorci G & Low, M. (2014). Can sexual selection theory inform genetic management of captive populations? A review. Evol. Appl 7(9): 1120-1133.

Chargé, R., Sorci, G., […] & Teplitsky, C. (2014). Does recognized genetic management in supportive breeding prevent genetic changes in life-history traits? Evol. Appl.: 7(5):521-532



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