Latsis Symposium 2015 - Drug Resistance and the Future of Disease Control

Le 02 Juillet 2015
Audimax, HG Zentrum, ETH Zürich

Society relies heavily on the availability of effective drugs to control and treat human diseases ranging from viral, bacterial, and parasitic infections to cancer. However, looking back into the history of drug discovery and treatment reveals an uncomfortable fact: Essentially wherever drugs have been used for any prolonged period, resistance has eventually evolved, and in some cases resistance now seriously limits our treatment options. Thus far our ability to keep resistance in check has relied on the continuous development of new drugs. However, there are concerns that the rate of discovery is not fast enough to keep at pace on this drug treadmill.

To address the challenge of resistance evolution we have received generous support from the Latsis Foundation to organize a symposium. This symposium brings together a small number of world-leading experts who will discuss resistance from different perspectives: from viruses to cancer, from the lab to the clinic, from drug development to public health. The speakers will give lectures as well as participate in two moderated panel discussion. Programme / Talks

The symposium is open to anyone who is interested.