Louis Thaler Lecture 2024: JANE MEMMOTT - Pollinator Conservation & Ecology

Le 14 Juin 2024
11h30 Hybrid online and CNRS Amphitheatre




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Please register to gain access to the campus and to indicate whether you will be attending the cocktail using the following link:


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We hope to see many of you there!

The SEEM Organising Committee (seem@services.cnrs.fr)

14 June 2024 - 11h30 Amphithéâtre de la délégation CNRS
Followed by a cocktail hosted by Labex CEMEB at 12h30 in the CEFE Rotonde

Pollinator Conservation & Ecology
Professor, University of Bristol

Pollinating insects are an important and charismatic component of biodiversity. In this talk I will focus on three projects which use a community level approach to study their ecology and conservation.  The three projects are as follows:  1) A systems approach to explore the impact of urbanisation on pollinator communities, asking which urban habitats and management interventions are important in maintaining to robust pollinator communities; 2) Using field data, field experiments and theory to test whether landscapes are simply the sum of their habitat parts or do they have emergent properties such as increased stability or functioning;  3) Working on an archipelago of islands, we are currently testing the impact of a pesticide ban on pollinator communities, asking if there are cascading impacts on the wider food web. I’ll end by outlining some of ways that everyone can get involved in pollinator ecology and conservation.


Dear colleagues

We are pleased to officially announce the 2024 Louis Thaler Lecture, which will take place on 14 June at 11:30 at the CNRS Amphitheatre (1919 route de Mende, Montpellier).

This year we will welcome Professor Jane Memmott from the University of Bristol, who has honoured us by accepting our invitation. 

Past President of the British Ecological Society (2020-2021), Professor Memmott is a community ecologist working in a wide range of research areas including pollination ecology, invasion ecology, agroecology, biological control, urban ecology and restoration ecology. She has pioneered the use of ecological networks to address diverse questions of environmental change in both basic and applied ecology.

We will have the pleasure of hearing her talk on pollinator conservation and ecology (see flash code for all details).

The lecture will be followed by a cocktail hosted by Labex CeMEB at 12h30 in the CEFE Rotonde.

We hope to see many of you there to celebrate the end of the academic year and our annual seminar cycle!

The SEEM Organising Committee and the Young Researchers Organising Committee



SEEM Organising Committee (seem@services.cnrs.fr)

Young Researchers Organising Committee (clea.abello@gmail.com, marine.beneat@ifremer.fr, alicia.gomez@cefe.cnrs.fr, benoit.penel@inrae.fr)