Integrated Approaches for Ecological Impact Assessment in a Changing World

Isabelle Aubin
Canadian Forest Service, Natural Ressources Canada
To address sustainability issues in the context of rapid global change, scientists must increasingly ask questions that are global in nature and transcend traditional disciplines. Investigating these questions greatly exceeds the capabilities of single-laboratory teams, both in terms of expertise and resources. An important challenge for scientists is to develop new ways of performing research in which data integration, cross-disciplinary collaboration and information exchange are central. This presentation highlights ongoing research initiatives developed to meet the challenges of ecological impact evaluation in a changing world. First, a project assessing Canadian tree species vulnerability to climate change will be presented. Part of the Forest Change initiative (Natural Resources Canada Adaptation Program), this project integrates trait-derived quantitative indices of species sensitivity with biophysical predictions to generate maps to communicate risks and better inform decision-making regarding climate change adaptation strategies. Second, a multi-trophic evaluation of harvesting impacts on boreal forest biodiversity will also be presented. This multi-stakeholder project aims to integrate biodiversity response (ranging from microbes to vegetation), their interactions and impacts on keystone soil processes for a better assessment of ecological impacts of forest management practices.
Recent publications:
Boiffin, J., Aubin, I. & A. Munson (2015) Ecological controls on post-fire vegetation assembly at multiple spatial escales. Journal of Vegetation Science 26: 360-372.
Aubin, I., Deshaies, O., Cardou, F. & L. Sirois (2014) Management legacy in the understory of North American mixed boreal regenerating stands. Forest Ecology and Management 320: 129-137.
Aubin, I., Venier, L, Pierce, J. & M. Moretti (2013) Can a trait-based multi-taxa approach improve our assessment of forest management impact on biodiversity? Biodiversity and Conservation 22 (12): 2957-2975.
Pedlar, J.H., McKenney, D.W., Aubin, I., Beardmore, T., Beaulieu, J., Iverson, L., O’Neil, G.A., Winder, R.S. & C. Ste-Marie. (2012) Placing Forestry in the Assisted Migration Debate. Bioscience 62 (9): 835-842.
Contact: Eric Garnier eric.garnier@cefe.cnrs.f
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