formation pour l’analyse de la variance intra- et inter-individuelle de la variation phénotypique à l’aide du package R SQuID (Statistical Quantification of Individual Differences)

You are interested in learning more about mixed models and their potential pitfalls? The SQuID workshop is for you.
SQuID stands for Statistical Quantification of Individual Differences and is the product of the SQuID working group ( The package aims to help scholars who, like us, are interested in understanding patterns of phenotypic variance. Individual differences are the raw material for natural selection to act on and hence the basis of evolutionary adaptation. Understanding the sources of phenotypic variance is thus a most essential feature of biological investigation and mixed effects models offer a great, albeit challenging tool. Disseminating the properties, potentials and interpretational challenges in the research community is thus a foremost goal of SQuID.
During the workshop we will mix short lectures and practices using the softwares SQuID and R. You do not need to be an expert in mixed models, but some basic knowledge of software R will be advantageous. Just come with your computer with R installed on it. Prior to the workshop we will send you instructions on how to install SQuID.
Denis Réale, Yimen Araya-Ajoy, Niels Dingemanse & Dave Westneat (on behalf of the SQuID working group).
Où ? Au laboratoire du CEFE
Quand ? les 15 et 16 Janvier 2018
Par qui? Les instructeurs seront Denis Réale, Yimen Araya-Ajoy, Niels Dingemanse & Dave Westneat
Pour qui ? Pour tout étudiant, postdoc, chercheur ou autre, intéressé/e par l’utilisation de modèles mixtes pour analyser la variance phénotypique.
Combien ? La formation est gratuite, grâce en particulier au soutien du labex CEMEB.
Comment s’inscrire : en suivant ce lien :
Merci de vous inscrire avant le 31/12/2017.