Training Strategic orientations
Cemeb is strongly involved in training on a research-intensive basis, targeting young researchers, developing countries and the society, and in-service training. This is performed in collaboration with the training structures from its partners and Muse, especially the master programs and doctoral schools (especially Gaia, see below; Gaia opens ca. 12 PhD fellowships/year to Cemeb research unit in a very competitive exam) - the interactions have been enhanced over the last two years, but also with socio-economic partners. From a strategic point of view, Cemeb aims at offering high-level training, drawing heavily on its strong research / teaching community, increasing the autonomy of students, fostering interdisciplinarity and groupworking, and enhancing international attractivity and mobility (including students from all countries). The long-term objective is to improve the employability of students, whether in the public or in the private sectors. Importantly, Cemeb developed activities that are complementary to what its academic partners can offer. It should be noted that Cemeb researchers significantly contributes to teaching (out of duty) with >20h / year for 25% of them, especially at master and PhD levels, connecting research and training.
Cemeb policy is developed through the already-mentioned PhD projects and junior research teams and 15 courses (1-3
days ; Table PR10) on technological / methodological issues through facilities. Training also targets biodiversity managers on rising techniques (e.g., environmental DNA, 2016) and colleagues from developing countries (two Summer schools in Africa on vectors) (see Table PR11). More originally, Cemeb sustained short-term stays abroad of Cemeb technical staff, PhD and post-doc fellows to acquire new techniques and know-how (Table PR12). Most courses, conferences, lectures and congresses, are filmed, available on Cemeb website and widely used (ca. 120 movies) - a form of e-learning.
FOCUS - DR MARC BOUVY, Director of the UM Gaia doctoral school and of MUSE doctoral college