WORKSHOP Uncertainty in models and scenarios of biodiversity and ecosystem services

(Exploritary research project funded by CeMEB)
Scenarios are invaluable tools to guide long term strategic policies, prompt management actions and
increase public awareness on future threats to biodiversity. To increase scenarios impacts on policies
and trigger appropriate management responses, IPBES has strongly encouraged to develop capacities
in quantifying the uncertainty linked to future projections of biodiversity. By gathering a group of
scientists skilled in modelling and statistics, working in terrestrial and marine ecosystems, developing
diverse scenarios of global changes, this workshop aims to develop a conceptual framework and
discuss methods to address uncertainty in biodiversity scenarios. Specific case studies in marine and
terrestrial realms will be presented to address different sources of uncertainty (parameter, structural,
internal variability). A review paper will be drafted by the participants of the workshop.
List participants (* in visioconf)
William Cheung (University British Columbia, Canada)
Olivier Gimenez (CNRS, CEFE, France)
Paul Leadley (Université Paris Sud, France)
Gilles Le Moguédec (INRA, AMAP, France)
Criscely Lujan (Université Paris Sud, France)
Isabelle Maréchaux (INRA, AMAP, France)
Raphaël Pélissier (IRD, AMAP, France)
Romain Pete (IFREMER, MARBEC, France)
Mark Rounsevell (KIT, Germany)
* Roland Séférian (CNRM, France)
Yunne Shin (IRD, MARBEC, France)
Peter Verburg (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Philippe Verley (IRD, AMAP, France)
Ghislain Vieilledent (CIRAD, France)
* Brendan Wintle (University Melbourne, Australia)
PROGRAMME : a telecharger
Yunne Shin :