DrosEU /ESEB STN Summer School on Adaptation Genomics
We are happy to announce the DrosEU /ESEB STN Summer School on Adaptation Genomics, a two-day event to take place on 23-24 August 2018 at the CNRS campus in Montpellier, right after the Evolution 2018 meeting (http://evolutionmontpellier2018.org/). The summer school aims at fostering the study of adaptation genomics and evolutionary genetics in a variety of systems and using diverse approaches (e.g., population genomics, life-history analyses, statistical inference based on population and quantitative genetic theory, landscape genomics, GWAS, and Evolve & Resequence experiments). The school is organized by the European Drosophila Population Genomics Consortium (DrosEU, http://droseu.net/) and sponsored by the European Society for Evolutionary Biology (ESEB) and the Mediterranean Center for the Environment and for Biodiversity (CEMEB). Although DrosEU focuses on Drosophila, the research questions, methodological approaches and the conceptual issues addressed by our consortium apply to many species beyond the Drosophila model. Our two-day mini-summer school will gather approximately 60 people, especially students and postdocs from within and outside the DrosEU community, as well as invited speakers who are leaders in the field. We will have sessions with 6 invited speakers (each with a 1-hr talk, followed by 30 min of discussion) and 6 contributed PhD/postdoc presentations (20 min plus 10 min of discussion). By bringing together empiricists and theoreticians working on different model systems and using different approaches, this meeting will promote fruitful discussions and allow identifying new avenues for the study of the adaptation in natural populations.
Registration is open to everyone on a first come first served basis, but priority will be given to PhD students and postdocs attending the Evolution 2018 conference. Link to the registration website: http://droseu.net/droseu-eseb-stn-summer-school-on-adaptation-genomics/
The meeting and the lunches provided during the workshop will be free of charge.
We look forward to seeing you in Montpellier!
The organizing committee: Nicolas Rode [Montpellier], Sara Guirao & Josefa González [Barcelona], Martin Kapun & Thomas Flatt [Fribourg], on behalf of DrosEU.
Invited speakers:
- Andrea Betancourt (University of Liverpool, website): Transposable element evolution in Drosophila
- Joachim Hermisson (University of Vienna, website): title to be announced shortly
- Juliette de Meaux (University of Cologne, website): Can cis-regulatory variation point to the molecular targets of polygenic selection? Insights from the Arabidopsis genus.
- Dmitri Petrov (Stanford University, website): Evolution on ecological timescales in Drosophila
- Cristina Vieira (University of Lyon, website): (Epi)genomic environmental stress response in Drosophila
- Renaud Vitalis (INRA, website): Inferring demographic and adaptive histories from genome-wide polymorphism data
Contact: nicolas.rode@inra.fr