Degraded DNA Environnemental Genomics

The Degraded DNA (ADN Dégradé) platform hosts the infrastructure (rooms, equipment and procedures) needed for the analysis of degraded DNA samples obtained by non-invasive methods (e.g. hair, faeces), from museum collections, and herbaria. The extraction and processing of biological material is carried out under controlled conditions that guarantee the integrity of the information contained in the original sample and the reproducibility of the extraction.
The platform allows the extraction of degraded DNA in scientifically-rigorous conditions that guarantee the robustness of the results (separate pre- and post-PCR rooms, rooms and equipment dedicated to pre-PCR experiments).
- Chemical hood
- Laminar flow hood
- Centrifuge (1.5 ml, 2 ml, 15 ml, 50 ml tubes and rotor bars)
- Combined fridge/ freezer
- Precision scale
- Oven
- PCR cabinet (with UV)
- Freezer
- Thermocycler (0.2 and 0.5 ml tubes, rotor bars, 96-well microplates)
- Water purification system
- Speed vac
- Autoclave
Projects are very varied, but mainly concern the study of biodiversity from non-invasive samples, or taken from museum collections or herbaria. Users must submit a request to access the facility to the Scientific Board. If approval is given, the user must sign the Charter and agree to respect the platform’s rules of use.